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Talk Page Feature Request for access to archived talk pages on mobile
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The Android team recently made updates to talk pages. In a past demo, @Dbrant displayed an ability to access archived talk page messages. This take the concept he explored and @scblr also explored through designs and bring it into the app.

Must haves

  • List subpages of a talk page article
  • Consistency with the design of categories

User Stories

As an Arabic Wikipedia user on the Android app, I want to have access to archives, so that I can see where a discussion I was apart of that is no longer active was resolved.



Note to Robin: Consider the destination people go to when they click Archive and the icon


WhatsApp Image 2022-06-09 at 3.09.27 PM.jpeg (1×738 px, 62 KB)


Event Timeline

JTannerWMF renamed this task from Talk Page Feature Request to Talk Page Feature Request for access to archived talk pages on mobile.Feb 26 2021, 8:54 PM
JTannerWMF added a project: Talk Pages.

@Dbrant shared this helpful context on Android:
There's nothing "structured" about [accessing archived talkpages]. A user can put a link to their archived talk pages on their main talk page, or they may not. They can put a link to the archives inside a template at the top of the page, or not. If they put it in a template, the app won't display it, similarly to mobile web:

There is no consistent way to [retrieve] links to archived talk pages.

From @JTannerWMF: For this reason it would be very difficult pursue implementation of providing accessibility to archive talkpages on Android.

However, there may be a possibility the Editing-team tackles this in their roadmap. If they do, the Android team will revisit this.

However, there may be a possibility the Editing-team tackles this in their roadmap. If they do, the Android team will revisit this.

Thank you for the ping, @JTannerWMF. In its current form, we will not have space on our roadmap to work on this task. Should this change, we will communicate it here.

It’d be great if @Dbrant or @cooltey could take a shot at implementing this, based on existing components in the app. I’ll happily review it thoroughly when it’s in design signoff. Trusting you with this 💯. Thanks

No need for subtasks here, but a couple of implementation suggestions:

  • Put a TabLayout at the top (i.e. in the header item) with tabs for "Talk page" and "Subpages", with "Talk page" as the default.
  • In the ViewModel, when fetching the talk topics, also fetch (in parallel) the list of subpages. This can be done using prefixsearch, exactly as we do it in our regular Search interface, with the prefix being the name of the Talk page with a forward-slash after it.
  • When the user taps the "Subpages" tab, reset the RecyclerView adapter to display a list of subpages, instead of a list of talk topics.
  • Each item in the list of subpages is just the title of the page.
  • Subpages are not searchable or filterable.

@JTannerWMF I would also humbly suggest considering the original approach of showing a bottom sheet with the list of subpages (accessible from the overflow menu). The addition of a new Tab layout at the top will eat into precious vertical real estate, and puts unbalanced emphasis on something that's generally not needed on a regular basis.

Screenshot_20220615_115316.png (2×1 px, 440 KB)

Per discussion:

  • Put “Archived” in overflow menu
  • Show a list of sub pages
  • No tabs (a list of prefix search)

Hi @scblr

The APK is ready for review now. Please let me know if you need to adjust the design.

Screenshot_20220705-165022_Wikipedia Dev.jpg (2×1 px, 393 KB)
Screenshot_20220705-165027_Wikipedia Dev.jpg (2×1 px, 264 KB)

Looks good to me @cooltey – only two comments re: app bar label, title and formatting 👇

01) Can we reuse the app bar title style (font size, formatting, direct link) from the main talk page?

This styleInstead of this style
Screenshot_20220706-162132.png (2×1 px, 580 KB)
Screenshot_20220706-162020.png (2×1 px, 122 KB)

02) In addition, please change the label for the talk page archive to:

Talk archive: Polar bear
