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Android application does not show block messages
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Block an account of yours, and give a reason
  2. With that account, try to save a page using the Android app.

Expected result: Whatever reason you gave for the block is shown

Actual result: Just "Your user account has been blocked from editing on this wiki" with no more information

Tested with: Android 9, app version 27.50341-r2021-02-02

Event Timeline

suffusion_of_yellow renamed this task from Android application does show block messages to Android application does not show block messages.Mar 1 2021, 10:12 PM

Also partial blocks give the same "Your user account has been blocked from editing on this wiki". There is no indication that it's a partial block, and the user can edit other pages. Not sure if that should be a separate task.

LGoto triaged this task as Low priority.Mar 22 2021, 4:18 PM
LGoto moved this task from Needs Triage to Product Backlog on the Wikipedia-Android-App-Backlog board.

@suffusion_of_yellow - It looks like we may have a fix for this issue. If possible could you use the build listed below and try to see if this problem persists on the build?


The problem still exists for me, with 2.7.50358-r-2021-05-11.

My alt account,, is blocked with the reason "Test block requested in Special:Diff/1009471363".

If I make any attempt to edit a page, I see "You have been blocked from editing." and nothing else.

When I click "my edits", I see "It looks like your IP address (or range of IP addresses) is currently blocked from editing Wikipedia." My IP address (used in this test) is not blocked; it works fine with another account. The account is blocked with autoblock disabled. I had been doing some tests earlier from blocked IPs, but that was on another account AND I uninstalled and reinstalled the app between tests. If it's a caching issue, it's not on my end.

@suffusion_of_yellow - It looks like there is another fix potentially. Can you please install the build below and let us know if the problem persists?


Thanks for following up on this @ABorbaWMF. I believe @Dbrant has a conversation going that includes this one on another ticket T276149, so I am going to move this forward.

See T276149#7144054. (Should these tasks be merged...?) With 2.7.50362-beta-2021-06-04, the block message is there now, but it's not parsed. @Dbrant implied there might a newer version that does parse the message, but I can't find it.