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Mentor dashboard: M4 unanswered questions
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This is a task for building one of the modules in the mentor dashboard: unanswered questions.

Main audience: Experienced editors who signed up to their wikis mentor list.

Figma: mock-up

Goal/rationale: The main objective of the module is for the mentors to have a central place for their unanswered questions and allow them to preview those questions. During the interviews, the mentors have said that sometimes questions are overlooked, or they leave some difficult questions for later and then they get lost in their talkpages. This module is an easy way to motivate mentors to promptly and questions and ensure that no questions get overlooked.

The specifications are written out below.


  • When there are questions that need an answer, they are displayed in the module
  • When there are no questions for the mentors, they will have an empty dialogue with a place holder illustration telling them that they have answered all questions for now.

Copy and links

  • Icon: help icon (question mark)
  • Title: "Unanswered questions: [value]". The value = the number of unanswered questions they have.
  • Next: the dialogue box inside of the module has a fixed size. If has a greater height than box height the mentor will be able to scroll through content. Inside of the dialogue you’ll have:
    • Header: “ [day].[month].[year] ” that equates to when the question was posted.
    • Next: text that includes “ [time the question was posted] [username of mentee] (talk | contribs) [question]
    • Next: Button “[ Reply ]” which is located beside the question. When the mentor taps/clicks on this button it takes them to a new tab, to that specific section where the question is located in their talk page.



  • Everything is the same for mobile except:
    • The questions will be located on a separate mobile page and they will not be placed inside of a dialogue box, there will be no dialogue box in mobile.

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

Hello, thanks for creating the task @OTichonova! I'd like to confirm one thing:

  • Is it fine to only care about questions asked at the current mentor's talk page (ie. ignore archived messages)?
  • What should we do about questions that were answered, but not by the mentor?

Hello @Urbanecm_WMF

  • Yes, I think its fine to ignore archived messages and take the questions out that were answered by somebody else.
OTichonova renamed this task from Mentor dashboard: M2 unanswered questions to Mentor dashboard: M3 unanswered questions.Apr 15 2021, 9:35 PM
OTichonova renamed this task from Mentor dashboard: M3 unanswered questions to Mentor dashboard: M4 unanswered questions.Apr 30 2021, 11:49 AM

Unclaiming to avoid cookie licking. Will re-claim once I actually start working on those.

MShilova_WMF raised the priority of this task from Low to Medium.Apr 15 2022, 3:52 PM
Urbanecm_WMF lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Low.Aug 7 2023, 10:21 PM