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[Senior Contributors] Validate usability & usefulness of edit affordance within sticky header
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This task represents the work involved with evaluating how usable and useful Senior Contributors find the edit affordance within the desktop site's new sticky header.

Decisions to be made

The results of these usability tests will help us decide whether changes need to be made to the user experience that we'll have implemented in T296910 prior to beginning an A/B test to evaluate the impact of the feature (T294506).

Test requirements

  • Platform: Desktop
  • Languages: TBD
  • Target populations: people who are experienced editing Wikipedia
  • Projects: TBD

Test goals

  • Learn how – if at all – the edit affordance within the sticky header conflicts with the existing workflows people have established for editing content in Wikipedia main namespace
  • Determine whether initiating an edit using the edit affordance within the sticky header increases the speed and ease with which people can begin to make a change to the content they were just reading.

Consultation wikis

Project namecodeLink to conversationConversation start date
WikipediafrMessage to Le Bistro, Test protocol page and Feedback page2022-02-17
WikipediaesMessage to the Café and Feedback page2022-02-17
WikipediaptMessage to the Village Pump2022-02-17
WikipediaitMessage to the Ambasciata, Test protocol page and Feedback page2022-02-17
WikipediavecMessage to the Ciàcołe, Test protocol page and Feedback page2022-02-17
WikipediafaMessage to the Village Pump2022-02-20

Test protocol

A prototype of the site-wide sticky header equipped with edit buttons is ready for you all to try.

Below is the information you will need to:

* '''Try the prototype'''
*  '''Share feedback''' about the prototype

=== Try the Prototype ===
# On a desktop / laptop computer, visit an article (e.g. [ The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy]) [i]
# Scroll the page 
# Notice the "sticky header" appears at the top the article
# Click the "✏️" button within the "sticky header" to open the editor
# Make a change to the article (it doesn't matter the type of change you make)
# Publish the change you made in "Step 5."
# Now, initiate another edit. This time, using the "[[ ]]" button within the "sticky header" 
# Make a change to the article (it doesn't matter the type of change you make)
# Publish the change you made in "Step 8."
# ✅ That's it!

''i. Note: If you would prefer that your IP address not be shown with the edits you make as parting of testing this prototype, you can log in using Username:  "TestAccount"; Password: "patchdemo1"''

=== Share Feedback ===
Once you have tried the prototype and you are ready to share what you think of it, please add a new topic to this talk page by doing the following:

# "Start a new topic" on this talk page
# Name this new topic: "Hint Prototype Feedback: YOUR USERNAME"
# Write your answers to these questions:
## ''What did you find unexpected about how the prototype enables you to start an edit?''
## ''What do you appreciate about the prototype?''
## ''What do you wish was different about the prototype?''
## ''What concerns you about the prototype''?


This prototype contains the sticky header equipped with editing functionality that we would like Senior Contributors to experiment with:

Findings / Volunteer feedback | feedback document

  • One person suggested that the fixed header appear "earlier." Said another way: they would like to have to do less scrolling for the sticky header to appear. | feedback

  • One person found it unexpected/undesirable that only one editing button appeared within the sticky header.
    • Note: we are seeking clarification about this feedback in T296909#7816613. | feedback page

  • All feedback was positive except [i][ii] for one volunteer who seemed to find it unexpected that clicking the [[ ]] button within the sticky header did not open the editing interface with the content scrolled to the position they were at while reading as is done when they click the ✏️ button within the sticky header. This person also seems to prefer that the interface for choose/switching editing modes be consistent between VE and the sticky header. [iii] feedback page

  • All feedback volunteers had to share was positive. [iv] (feedback page does not exist/feedback page does not exist)

  • No feedback | feedback page

  • No feedback


  • Test protocol is written and linked to in the ===Test protocol section above
  • Usability tests are run
  • The findings from these tests are documented within the === Findings section above
  • Tickets are filed for any usability issues that surface during these tests; these tickets should also be documented in the ===Findings section above

i. '"It's easier and it's faster... It opens easily and we are immediately in the modification, I did not expect this speed and it to be so simple and fluid." | via User:Datsofelija
ii. "It allows faster access on the modification of the whole article." | via User:Ryse93
iii. I've asked this volunteer a couple of clarifying questions to ensure I'm accurately understanding the feedback they had to share. See this comment.
iv. " It looks great, it allows you to edit without having to go back to the top of the page." | via User:Mastrocom

Event Timeline

@Mehran, @Patafisik, and @Zapipedia-WMF: thank you for helping us to make it so volunteers had an easy way to try and share feedback about the prototype and for us to review what they shared!

Below is what I learned from the feedback volunteers shared. Please comment if anything below looks unexpected to you based on the feedback you read...

Volunteer feedback | feedback document (feedback page does not exist/feedback page does not exist)

  • No feedback | feedback page

  • All feedback was positive except [i][ii] for one volunteer who seemed to find it unexpected that clicking the [[ ]] button within the sticky header did not open the editing interface with the content scrolled to the position they were at while reading as is done when they click the ✏️ button within the sticky header. [iii] feedback page

  • All feedback volunteers had to share was positive. [iv] (feedback page does not exist/feedback page does not exist)

  • No feedback | feedback page

  • No feedback

i. '"It's easier and it's faster... It opens easily and we are immediately in the modification, I did not expect this speed and it to be so simple and fluid." | via User:Datsofelija
ii. "It allows faster access on the modification of the whole article." | via User:Ryse93
iii. I've asked this volunteer a couple of clarifying questions to ensure I'm accurately understanding the feedback they had to share. See this comment.
iv. " It looks great, it allows you to edit without having to go back to the top of the page." | via User:Mastrocom

Hello. I have received some feedback from the community. I have compiled it in this document.

In T296909#7790642, @Zapipedia-WMF wrote:

Hello. I have received some feedback from the community. I have compiled it in this document.

Oh, excellent! Thank you, @Zapipedia-WMF.

Next steps

Hi @ppelberg,
Apologies for the late response, didn't get any notifications for this thread.
The link for fawiki does actually exist for me. Here is also the stable link.

There is also one feedback saying although this is a great feature, it only shows the default user's editor (whether it is visual editor or WikiText). It does not give the ability to the user to choose which editor they wish (regardless of the fact that it is the default editor or not). Other than that, there is no other feedback.

ppelberg updated the task description. (Show Details)

Hi @ppelberg,
Apologies for the late response, didn't get any notifications for this thread.
The link for fawiki does actually exist for me. Here is also the stable link.

No worries and thank you for this link, @Mehran!

There is also one feedback saying although this is a great feature, it only shows the default user's editor (whether it is visual editor or WikiText). It does not give the ability to the user to choose which editor they wish (regardless of the fact that it is the default editor or not). Other than that, there is no other feedback.

I appreciate you emphasizing this bit of feedback. A clarifying question for you/User:Huji [i] about this: Is the single edit button appearing with the sticky header undesirable? Is the single edit button appearing unexpected?

...I ask the above with the following in mind:

  1. seems to be configured [ii] as a "single edit tab wiki" [iii]
  2. In single edit tab contexts, we've designed the sticky header to only show one editing button that opens the editing interface projects will have defined as their default or individual people will have defined as their preferred interface. [iv]

Combing "1." and "2." above leads me to think volunteers at would expect a single editing button to appear within the sticky header. Although, I'm curious to learn if and why this might not be this person's experience.

i. Huji is the volunteer who appears to have reported the issue you mentioned above.
ii. Search for "Persian" on
iv. See the "Noticing the editing affordance" section in T296910's task description

Next steps

✅ Done. Synthesis added to task description in T296909#7816588.

  • @ppelberg to document all feedback in the task description

✅ Done.

  • If/when User:Daehan ( respond to the question I posed, document said responses in this ticket.

We have not yet heard back from User:Daehan (

While some people mentioned ideas for how the user experience could be improved (e.g. showing the sticky header "earlier"), I did not notice any usability issues that are specific to the editing functionality that I think need to be addressed prior to the A/B test (T296909) beginning.

I'm going to leave this task open for one more week (until 5 April) as a reminder for me to check in with @Mehran about the feedback User:Huji shared at and to revisit to see if User:Daehan has responded to the question I posed.

Hi @Huji ,
I thought it is better to ping you directly here rather than fawiki as you are an active user here as well. Any ideas regarding the questions that Peter asked above?

As a side note, I strongly doubt that "All feedback volunteers had to share was positive. [iv]".
Here it's kind of neutral.(NB: please update the links above: the pages on have been moved)
A wider discussion is happening here on, and all the comments are far from enthusiast.

As a side note, I strongly doubt that "All feedback volunteers had to share was positive. [iv]".

hi @Ruthven: good observation. I think it would be more accurate to say, "None of the feedback surfaced issues that we think warrant blocking the start of the A/B test." I've updated the task description to include this language.

Here it's kind of neutral.(NB: please update the links above: the pages on have been moved)

Oh, thank you. I've added the link you shared above to the task description.