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Structured tasks: Take users back to their Suggested edits feed after confirming the "Skip suggestion"
Closed, ResolvedPublic


During usability testing with arwiki users, it was observed by @Mraish that participants were confused by the appearance of the post-edit dialog after confirming they wished to skip the image suggested edit. They expected to be able to browse more suggested edits in their interest, and did not appear to notice the reload icon to show another suggestion within the post-edit dialog.

User job story
When I skip the all structured suggestions for an article,
I want to find another suggestion in my area of interest/expertise,
So that I feel confident reviewing and making an edit on Wikipedia.

Proposed solution
After a user confirms they would like to "skip" the image suggested for an article (or else has skipped all suggestions for the Add a link task), take the user back to their Suggested edits feed (instead of showing the Post-edit dialog on the article).
Making this change would also mitigate the need to fix T297224: On selecting "edit" on a skipped suggestion, the user sees the image suggestion again

Event Timeline

Hi @RHo, I wanted to confirm the mobile behavior since the suggested edits feed is in an overlay on top of Special:Homepage. Should we take the user to the homepage like we do from the "View more suggested edits" link from the post-edit dialog or should we be linking to the feed itself?

For the latter, unfortunately, the user will see the homepage first briefly and then the overlay will appear on top of it. We do have a standalone suggested edits feed page (at Special:Homepage/suggested-edits), but the user would be led back to a slightly different experience that what they started with.

Change 745608 had a related patch set uploaded (by MewOphaswongse; author: MewOphaswongse):

[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] Structured task: take user back to Special:Homepage when all suggestions are skipped

Hi @RHo, I wanted to confirm the mobile behavior since the suggested edits feed is in an overlay on top of Special:Homepage. Should we take the user to the homepage like we do from the "View more suggested edits" link from the post-edit dialog or should we be linking to the feed itself?

For the latter, unfortunately, the user will see the homepage first briefly and then the overlay will appear on top of it. We do have a standalone suggested edits feed page (at Special:Homepage/suggested-edits), but the user would be led back to a slightly different experience that what they started with.

Hi @mewoph - it would be ideal to take the user directly to the feed itself without seeing the homepage briefly. So I would be in favour of using the standalone suggested edits feed since there is still the back arrow to take them to the homepage from there. However, just looking just now at the standalone page, there seem to be a number of display issues should be fixed so that it looks like the suggested edits feed - is this the different experience to which you refer?

image.png (1×1 px, 165 KB)

Visual bugs:

  • Wikipedia header should not be shown
  • Suggested edits header is incorrectly styled
  • Incorrect background colour
  • Edit and navigation arrows footer is not sticky to bottom of the screen

If so, would it be relatively straightforward to fix these visual issues and re-direct to this standalone page? I have filed a task T297477 for it in any case.

Could we add a loading indicator to Special:Homepage when there is a fragment to load a module overlay directly? For example, if you click on, there could be a loading state before the suggested edits module overlay is displayed.

@kostajh I think a loading indicator could help, although it would have to be done via JS only so the user will still see the server-side rendered page before the JS loads.

It could be done server-side via :focus, although that's a massive hack. We could also just use a query parameter.

In an ideal world, Special:Homepage and Special:Homepage/suggested-edits would load the same page, with the same JS navigation functionality, just with a different initial navigation state, and with a different JS module pre-rendered on the HTML side; and we'd user path-based routing instead of fragment-based one. That would be a lot of work though.

Change 747212 had a related patch set uploaded (by MewOphaswongse; author: MewOphaswongse):

[schemas/event/secondary@master] Add suggestion-skip to referer_route enum for analytics/legacy/homepagevisit schema

Change 747212 merged by jenkins-bot:

[schemas/event/secondary@master] Add suggestion-skip to referer_route enum for analytics/legacy/homepagevisit schema

Change 745608 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] Structured task: take user back to suggested edits when all suggestions are skipped

Etonkovidova subscribed.

Checked on testwiki wmf.16 - when all suggestions are skipped, mobile users will be taken (smoothly) back to SE screen, not Homepage.

Clicking on "View more suggested edits" in the post-edit dialog will briefly (but noticeably) display the Homepage before redirecting user to SE module. It was mentioned in this comment.

Hi @RHo, I wanted to confirm the mobile behavior since the suggested edits feed is in an overlay on top of Special:Homepage. Should we take the user to the homepage like we do from the "View more suggested edits" link from the post-edit dialog or should we be linking to the feed itself?

For the latter, unfortunately, the user will see the homepage first briefly and then the overlay will appear on top of it. We do have a standalone suggested edits feed page (at Special:Homepage/suggested-edits), but the user would be led back to a slightly different experience that what they started with.

The issue - displaying Homepage before loading SE module- is not present for skipped Add image/Add link tasks, only for clicking on "View more suggested edits". I filed it as a separate issue - T298660: [mobile] Post-edit dialog: clicking on "View more suggested edits" should not display Hompepage .