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Share Topic Container design approaches with partner wikis and populations
Closed, ResolvedPublic


🧪 The Editing Team is serving as beta testers of the Product Development Best Practices Playbook by applying it to the Usability Improvements portion of the Talk Pages Project. This task represents doing work the playbook specifies in its DEVELOP step.

In T296119, we shared, and invited feedback about, the initial Topic Container design approaches we are exploring from volunteers at in English.

This task involves the work with sharing and inviting feedback about the same Topic Container design approaches we are exploring with volunteers from the Usability Improvement partner wikis and populations (T296357).


Below is a list of what we are seeking to learn in this first set of conversations we will be having with volunteers about Topic Containers (T269950).

What are we seeking to learn?

  1. Of the design approaches we are exploring to make it easier for A) Junior Contributors to recognize talk pages and containing conversations and B) Senior Contributors to assess the level of activity on a given talk page, what aspects of these designs do volunteers: A) find effective, B) wish were different, and C) find unexpected?
  2. Do these design concepts remind volunteers of gadgets or scripts they have seen elsewhere on-wiki?
  3. In what – if any – ways do volunteers imagine the proposed designs might impact existing wiki workflows?

Partner wikis

This section can be populated once T296357 is resolved.

WikiSpecific Volunteer Population(s)Translation completed? (Y/N)Link to translated design conceptsLink to discussion(s)


//We will be logging feedback in this Google Sheet: Talk Pages Project/Usability Improvements Feedback.

Final Designs (posted on Wikicommons)

French, Japanese and English


  • The initial Topic Container design concepts are localized into:
    • The native languages written at each of the projects listed in the ===Partner wikis section above
    • The languages each of the partner populations write in natively
  • Each of the projects and populations listed in the ===Partner wikis section above are invited to share feedback about the localized initial Topic Container design concepts
  • The feedback volunteers share is documented in the ===Feedback section above


Event Timeline

ppelberg renamed this task from Share Topic Container design approaches with partner wikis an populations to Share Topic Container design approaches with partner wikis and populations.Jan 10 2022, 5:55 PM

Thanks @Whatamidoing-WMF for help getting the localization spreadsheet updated. Have you been able to identify someone to help us with the Arabic? I believe that we have everything required to test in:

  • English
  • French
  • Japanese

so we still need the final translation:

  • Arabic

My next step is updating the French, Japanese and Arabic designs with the copy in the spreadsheet.

Update: the arabic translation came in so shooting for that prototype to be updated by tomorrow.
@ppelberg +1 to the design questions that you outlined. I'd also add that for non-english wikis, it would be important to flag anything that doesn't gel with convention or feels localized incorrectly (example: an icon looks like it's backward).