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Have the publish function enable/disable itself only if there have been changes
Closed, ResolvedPublic


currently the publish function is enabled or disabled only on the condition that inputs & outputs are defined. the mocks actually have an additional state to watch: there are any local changes from what was last saved (in the case it is an edit to an existing function)

this requires watching for local state change and the hard part is figuring out when to consider the "old state" fully loaded, as heavily nested objects load in chunks

Event Timeline

Jdforrester-WMF renamed this task from have publish function react to local changes in function editor to Have the publish function enable/disable itself only if there have been changes.Jan 18 2022, 5:05 PM
DVrandecic claimed this task.
DVrandecic subscribed.

Checked. The publish button seems to behave exactly as described. I tried changing any part of the function, and it was always correctly switching the Publish button on.