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Expose "Read as wiki page" link at the bottom of talk pages when topic containers are enabled
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This task involves the work with ensuring people can continue to edit mobile web talk pages using source mode on pages when topic containers are enabled.


As a Senior Contributor who is used to using mobile web talk pages, I want to continue to have access to the page's source editor, so that I can contribute to discussions in the ways I am comfortable with/prefers.



  • Platforms: Mobile

User experience

  • On mobile web talk pages, when topic containers are enabled, ensure the Read as wiki page link appears t the bottom of the talk page
  • Upon tapping the Read as wiki page link, people ought to be taken to the version of talk page that contains section edit affordances (read: the ✏️ icons) and does NOT contain topic containers.


  • ===Requirements are implemented and tested

Event Timeline

Esanders renamed this task from Expose "Read as wiki page" link at the bottom of talk pages where DiscussionTools is enabled to Expose "Read as wiki page" link at the bottom of talk pages when topic containers are enabled.Mar 13 2022, 4:05 PM
Esanders updated the task description. (Show Details)

Updated task to make this just about topic containers. I don't think we need this if just the reply tool is enabled, for example.

I don't think we need this if just the reply tool is enabled, for example.

Good spot and agreed.