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Deploy WatchlistNotifications feature to production wikis
Open, Needs TriagePublic


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Pppery subscribed.

Moving User-notice from subtask. The following language was used in the previous attempt to deploy this to tech news:

You will have new Notification preferences available for "<tvar name="watchlist">{{int:echo-category-title-watchlist}}</tvar>" and "<tvar name="minoredit">{{int:echo-category-title-minor-watchlist}}</tvar>". You will now be able to choose to receive these notifications in any of: email, on-wiki, or in the apps. This change also relocates those preferences from the "<tvar name="user">{{int:prefs-personal}}</tvar>" tab to the "<tvar name="notifs">{{int:prefs-echo}}</tvar>" tab.</translate> []

Taking out of the current sprint for now so we can focus on Growth-Positive-Reinforcement work. We'll come back to this one.

@KStoller-WMF it would be great to see this deployed some day. There is not a lot of work left to do on it, AFAICT.

OK, thanks!
I'll chat with the team about this and see if this is something we can squeeze in.