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[Spike] Define questions that we want to ask experts testing modern Vector with screenreader users
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With the addition of several new features (TOC, sticky header) and many accessibility updates (i.e. landmarks, menus) to modern Vector, we want to collect feedback from screenreader users. These changes should be tested with the most common screenreader/browser combinations.


  • Define the list of questions that we want to answer.
  • Review T311294 for any additional questions

Sign off steps

  • Ensure the process is kicked off to get answers to these questions

Questions to answer:

How are your impressions of the landmark regions in modern vs legacy Vector (more context)?
How are your impressions of the heading structure in modern vs legacy Vector?
How are your impressions of the ordering of elements in the DOM and general semantic structure in modern Vector vs legacy Vector?
Modern Vector moves the page toolbar below the page titlebar and into <main>. This has resulted in keyboard users needing to tab through more elements before reaching the article text (more context). What’s the best approach to maintain the experience for keyboard users while adhering to accessibility best practices?
How important is it for the TOC to be inside <main>? (more context)
Modern Vector uses the checkbox hack to implement dropdown menus that support no-js users. How accessible are our dropdown menus for screenreader users (code)? Specifically the user menu dropdown and the language dropdown in modern Vector.
Additionally, what are your thoughts on this alternate option, which uses aria-hidden on <label> to avoid repeating the label for screen readers, but hides a visible element (code)?
How does the accessibility of the table of contents compare in modern vs legacy Vector? Including the collapsed table of contents on viewports under 1000px.
Modern Vector shows a sticky header when scrolling down the page. We chose to hide it entirely from screen reader users given it contains purely duplicated content (more context). What do you think of this approach?
How accessible is the contents of the language dropdown in modern Vector?
Does modern Vector’s search field fulfill user expectations in regards to keyboard and screen reader accessibility and is beneficially usable?

Example article:
Modern Vector -
Legacy Vector -

Event Timeline

bwang removed a subscriber: Aklapper.
bwang updated the task description. (Show Details)
bwang updated the task description. (Show Details)
bwang updated the task description. (Show Details)
bwang updated the task description. (Show Details)
bwang updated the task description. (Show Details)
bwang updated the task description. (Show Details)

@bwang could we include an answer to T294165 as one of the outcomes here?

Yes that sounds like a good idea!

Jdlrobson renamed this task from Test modern Vector with screenreader users to [Spike] Define questions that we want to ask experts testing modern Vector with screenreader users.Jun 23 2022, 5:15 PM
Jdlrobson removed Jdrewniak as the assignee of this task.
Jdlrobson assigned this task to Jdrewniak.
Jdlrobson updated the task description. (Show Details)
Jdlrobson added a subscriber: Jdrewniak.
Jdlrobson lowered the priority of this task from High to Medium.Jul 19 2022, 5:10 PM
bwang removed bwang as the assignee of this task.Sep 28 2022, 4:41 PM

The contract has been sent to AFB for sign off, so this should be ready for sign off. We are just waiting for AFB to start and finish the work, and then new tasks can be created out of their findings