We are mostly done with core drifts, now it's time to take a look at extensions.
This is now possible with T261912: Convert WMF Deployed Extensions to Abstract Schema being done.
You just need to add paths to extension schema files in https://github.com/Ladsgroup/db-analyzor-tools/blob/master/abstract_paths.json and in valid_categories: https://github.com/Ladsgroup/db-analyzor-tools/blob/master/drift-tracker/app.py and then one run would add the list.
- AbuseFilter T381523
- AntiSpoof T381532
- Babel
- BetaFeatures
- BounceHandler
- CentralAuth
- CentralNotice
- CheckUser T321063
- Cognate
- ContentTranslation
- CreditsSource T326156
- DiscussionTools
- Echo
- EntitySchema
- FlaggedRevs T313253
- Flow
- GeoData
- GlobalBlocking T381502
- GlobalPreferences
- GlobalUsage
- GrowthExperiments
- LdapAuthentication
- Linter
- LiquidThreads
- MachineVision
- Math
- Newsletter
- OATHAuth
- OAuth
- OAuthRateLimiter
- PageAssessments
- PageTriage
- ProofreadPage
- PropertySuggester
- ReadingLists
- SecurePoll T381536
- ShortUrl
- TimedMediaHandler
- Translate
- UploadWizard
- UrlShortener
- WikiLove
- Wikibase
- WikibaseQualityConstraints
- WikimediaEditorTasks