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Growth design: improve thanks confirmation UX
Closed, ResolvedPublic


User story:

As an editor unfamiliar with Thanks, I want sending Thanks to be easy and follow modern UX standards, because the current confirmation message is easy to miss and the message is easy to misinterpret.

As an editor, I want a way to confirm or cancel sending Thanks, because sometimes I accidentally click Thanks (In other words, there should either be a confirmation step or a temporary window to cancel sending thanks. )


The thanks link confirmation UX is subtle and the language is confusing:

Mobilebefore click
image.png (380×978 px, 151 KB)
after click
image.png (380×978 px, 157 KB)
after confirming click
image.png (380×978 px, 149 KB)

Some people never confirm because they think they already sent "private" thanks or because they simply miss the confirmation message that appears inline.

Maybe we could borrow the UX from Minerva/MobileFrontend, where tapping thank gives you the opportunity cancel within a few seconds.

If not that, maybe there's something we could do to adjust the weight, or to present a dialog to the user asking them to confirm, rather than the inline, quite subtle text that is the same weight/color.

  • Meet with Rita and Kirsten to review and refine
  • Share with Design teams at review to iterate
  • Get feedback from Growth CRS and Ambassadors, as appropriate (who can help share ideas for community feedback)
  • Share with Growth team in design "deep dive"
Further details:

There are several other tasks that relate to this request:

Some other relevant feedback from T229168:

This request was prompted by this discussion at enwp, in which the OP said:

It wasn't clear to me whether my thanks had been sent already and if it was asking me if I wanted to publicly thank the editor on top of that, or if publicly thanking was the only way to go.

Which is precisely the same concern/confusion that the OP of T159302, which resulted in changing the confirmation message from "Send public thanks?" to "Publicly send thanks?", had:

The message "Send public thanks for this edit?" is confusing. People have been known to misinterpret it it as giving the user a choice of "Send public thanks" vs. "Send private thanks". Actually the choice is "Send public thanks" vs. "Don't send thanks".

So the rephrasing has hardly helped.

The word "public(ly)" has been nothing but a source of confusion. I understand it was added out of concern for the feature being construed as something private (T90486), but it's steered people too far in the other direction. Pdebee said in the aforementioned thread:

A few years ago, a new joiner wanted to thank me for my initial help with her first steps as an editor, but changed her mind because she thought that “publicly” meant that tens of millions of other registered editors were going to see what she’d hoped would be a simple, private signal of personal appreciation.

...when in fact only who thanked whom when, not even for which edit or on which page, is visible—and only on Special:Log, not on any diff or history page or anyone's watchlist.

Current Design Explorations:

Improving thanks confirmation designs


DialogPop up
Thanks confirmation dialog (1).png (880×1 px, 169 KB)
Thanks confirmation popup (2).png (880×1 px, 172 KB)
Acceptance Criteria:

Create one or more design prototypes showing how we can improve the Thanks confirmation UX.

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added subscribers: Masumrezarock100, Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript
KStoller-WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)
KStoller-WMF renamed this task from Improve thanks confirmation UX to Growth design: improve thanks confirmation UX.Jan 13 2023, 9:42 PM
KStoller-WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)

Maybe we could borrow the UX from Minerva/MobileFrontend, where tapping thank gives you the opportunity cancel within a few seconds.

Does it do it? I think it’s bad UX design. Users may have slow computers, or they may not look back at the screen. Or they may not have enough time to react for physical reasons: by the time the screen reader announces the possibility to cancel, it’s too late. By the time someone who has difficulties using the mouse finds the cancel button, it’s gone. I’d like to keep the explicit confirmation, and probably bring that in Minerva/MobileFrontend as well. Making it more noticeable is probably a good idea, though.

There are two related tasks that go in a somewhat different direction, T282591: RFC: Proposed "unthank" feature to roll back "thanks" and T71636: Thanks: Implement an undo feature.

IMO it would be worth considering those tasks in the context of this work.

I think an "unthank" button or toggle would be more aligned with how users interact with "like" buttons on e.g. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc.

In the case that a user presses "thank" and changes their mind, we could set some kind of grace period for X seconds before sending the email/web notification about a thanks, so the affected user would never see the notification. There would be some set of users where they do receive a "Thanks" notification/email based on an unintented action, or one that was later undone, but that doesn't seem like a huge problem?

On the "Current Design Explorations":

As touched on in the quoted T229168, "publicly viewable" isn't true at all, and likely deters people from using the feature. An accurate phrasing would be "The time and the usernames of both parties (the thanked and the thanking) will be recorded in a publicly viewable log, but not for which edit or on which page." That's pretty wordy, so a link to a page clarifying these matters would be helpful.

What will checking "Don't show again" do? Will it make you skip any and all confirmation? (I hope not, unless "unthank" is provided like discussed above.) Or will it show a more concise confirmation message? It's quite unclear.

My assumption is that improving the language and confirmation UX would be less effort than an undo/unthank option, but I purposefully made this task tile and acceptance criteria broad so we could explore multiple options.

On the "Current Design Explorations":

As touched on in the quoted T229168, "publicly viewable" isn't true at all, and likely deters people from using the feature. An accurate phrasing would be "The time and the usernames of both parties (the thanked and the thanking) will be recorded in a publicly viewable log, but not for which edit or on which page." That's pretty wordy, so a link to a page clarifying these matters would be helpful.

Thanks for the feedback! I agree, we should brainstorm more accurate language. The copy is still a draft and we'll work on finding the right language that is accurate without being overly complex and confusing.

What will checking "Don't show again" do? Will it make you skip any and all confirmation? (I hope not, unless "unthank" is provided like discussed above.) Or will it show a more concise confirmation message? It's quite unclear.

The screenshot and Figma file have been updated. We likely either need the confirmation step to always appear or provide an undo option.

As @JFernandez-WMF has completed the acceptance criteria, I will resolve this task.
I've added this task as a follow up: T333027: Growth design: finalize designs for thanks confirmation UX.

Likely, since further community input is needed, we will put that work on hold until we can start T316699: [EPIC] Growth: Positive reinforcement - Iteration 2.

Adding the Figma file link here and will also update the task description.

For now we have two options, one with a dialog component and the other one with a pop up component. Prototype here.

Also some copy alternatives were explored which are all presented on the file.