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Design and build Link Component MVP
Closed, ResolvedPublic5 Estimated Story Points


Build out the basic Codex link component. Per T314332: Distribute design system styles as part of Codex, this component will be implemented as a LESS mixin that consumers can apply wherever necessary. Codex will not include any assumptions about class names to target for this style.

In addition to a mixin for the standard link styles, we will also create a mixin for "red link" styles intented only for use when linking non-existing pages in MediaWiki.

Live Preview

A live preview is visible here:

Example Usage

In MediaWiki, or anywhere else that Less is available, users will be able to use the mixin like this:

@import ( reference ) '@wikimedia/codex/mixins/link.less';

a {
    &.is-red-link {

Development considerations

Since this component is being implemented in a way that differs from what we usually do, there are a couple of development questions that we should try to answer:

  • How should we document this "component"? It would be great to list "Link" alongside the other components, but there is not a Link.vue file (only a Less mixin), so the automated docgen tool won't work here. Ideas for work-arounds? Currently this component is demonstrated in the Sandbox page only.
  • How should we publish this mixin (as well as future mixins)? In the linked patch, I have added a simple Vite plugin that copies all mixins in a public sub-folder into dist/mixins. Less files are copied but not otherwise compiled, so we need to be sure to only reference variables from external packages (like the design tokens package). Will this work for users inside MediaWiki?
Design spec
Acceptance criteria (or Done)
  • Design the Link component spec sheet and link Figma in the task
  • Implement component in Codex
Design Review

(more details in this comment)

  • Add configurable demo to test the component props At the moment we can't implement configurable demos for all components
  • Red link focus should use border-color-progressive--focus since this red link it's not an error but a new page link
  • Start icon should be 20px size (this will be fixed in T322631)
  • External link icon: (this will be fixed in T322631)
    • External link should be 12px size (start icon is 20px but external link icon should always be 12px since it needs to be smaller).
    • External link icon should be the one created in this task (we should add this icon in Codex) This will be fixed in T322014
  • A 4px padding is needed between icon and text for end icon
  • Focus border is irregular when the link has end icon (external link icon) Acceptable browser behavior

Event Timeline

There are a very large number of changes, so older changes are hidden. Show Older Changes
egardner changed the task status from Open to In Progress.Sep 2 2022, 9:49 PM
egardner triaged this task as High priority.Sep 2 2022, 9:54 PM
egardner updated the task description. (Show Details)
egardner set the point value for this task to 5.Sep 15 2022, 7:07 PM

Change 836318 had a related patch set uploaded (by Catrope; author: Catrope):

[design/codex@main] Link: Make selectors flexible

Change 829238 merged by jenkins-bot:

[design/codex@main] Link: implement Codex link styles as Less mixins

Change 836318 merged by jenkins-bot:

[design/codex@main] Link: Make selectors flexible

egardner changed the task status from In Progress to Stalled.Oct 19 2022, 6:22 PM
egardner added a subscriber: AnneT.

This work has been done, but we don't currently have a way to display it in our demo site (which is necessary before design sign-off can happen).

@AnneT when you are back maybe we can brainstorm about how to best fit non-Vue "components" into the Codex docs site (even just as a short-term fix so that design can review and sign-off on this task).

@egardner see this patch; once it's merged we can move this task into design review!

Change 849191 had a related patch set uploaded (by VolkerE; author: VolkerE):

[mediawiki/core@master] Update Codex from v0.2.1 to v0.2.2

Change 849191 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/core@master] Update Codex from v0.2.1 to v0.2.2

This work has been done, but we don't currently have a way to display it in our demo site (which is necessary before design sign-off can happen).

This problem has been solved thanks to @AnneT (for the Link component at least) so this is now ready for design and QA sign-off.

Here is the docs page for Link:

egardner changed the task status from Stalled to In Progress.Oct 26 2022, 2:50 PM

Design sign-off done. Some things we need to fix:

  1. Could we add a configurable demo for the Link component? We should test some things like:
    • With/without start icon (and change the start icon)
    • With/without external link icon
    • Default / Underlined
    • With different font sizes and formats (Regular, Bold)
  1. Visited focus border should be blue (now it's yellow)
Captura de Pantalla 2022-10-26 a las 17.19.21.png (232×478 px, 41 KB)
Captura de Pantalla 2022-10-26 a las 17.18.54.png (210×1 px, 88 KB)
Captura de Pantalla 2022-10-26 a las 17.23.26.png (198×982 px, 81 KB)
Figma specDemo (Base link)Demo (Red link)
  1. Red link focus should use border-color-progressive--focus since this red link it's not an error but a new page link
Captura de Pantalla 2022-10-26 a las 17.21.16.png (270×796 px, 47 KB)
Captura de Pantalla 2022-10-26 a las 17.20.51.png (184×938 px, 78 KB)
Figma specDemo
  1. External link should be 12px size (start icon is 20px but external link icon should always be 12px since it needs to be smaller).

Captura de Pantalla 2022-10-26 a las 17.24.31.png (186×936 px, 71 KB)

  1. External link icon should be the one created in this task (I can't find it in the Codex icons, I think we need to add the new external link icon there)
  1. A 4px padding is needed between icon and text (for both startIcon-text and text-externalLink)

Captura de Pantalla 2022-10-26 a las 17.26.10.png (228×572 px, 48 KB)
Captura de Pantalla 2022-10-26 a las 17.25.24.png (278×668 px, 61 KB)

  1. Focus border is irregular when the link has start or external link icon
Captura de Pantalla 2022-10-26 a las 17.19.16.png (500×944 px, 97 KB)
Captura de Pantalla 2022-10-26 a las 17.27.46.png (266×748 px, 96 KB)
  1. Keyboard navigation is not working in Safari

Thanks @bmartinezcalvo!
One comment, we don't feature link icons in our environment before the link text in paragraphs.
Icons in links in running text are only used as addendum in so far is the first example in the demo misleading.

Thanks @bmartinezcalvo!
One comment, we don't feature link icons in our environment before the link text in paragraphs.
Icons in links in running text are only used as addendum in so far is the first example in the demo misleading.

@Volker_E right, this was documented as a misuse in the Figma spec sheet and we should document it in the Codex demo too. It would be great if we can add a recommendations section with some images in our Codex demos.

Captura de Pantalla 2022-10-26 a las 19.12.35.png (558×1 px, 240 KB)

The distorted focus outline is a browser decision that we shouldn't touch. It's very common in interfaces all around and the exception and the only way out would be to try to get padding there, which has other side-effects like having running text distortion effects at times. Accepted weirdness.

Safari tabbed navigation is, ahem different, by default. We can ignore this as browser quirks. If you want to you can make it behave as every other more useful browser.

Volker_E updated the task description. (Show Details)

Change 850039 had a related patch set uploaded (by VolkerE; author: VolkerE):

[design/codex@main] Link: Apply design fixes

Is the yellow focus border a browser-specific thing? I'm not seeing it in FF, Safari, or Chrome on my Mac.

I agree with @Volker_E that there are certain elements of browser-defined behavior we will probably have to live with.

Is the yellow focus border a browser-specific thing? I'm not seeing it in FF, Safari, or Chrome on my Mac.

I agree with @Volker_E that there are certain elements of browser-defined behavior we will probably have to live with.

@egardner sorry, it was my error. I was checking the component forcing the element state with the inspector.

Captura de Pantalla 2022-10-27 a las 19.39.39.png (538×2 px, 453 KB)

The visited focus is ok so I've removed the item from the design review list.

Captura de Pantalla 2022-10-27 a las 19.40.31.png (242×1 px, 86 KB)

Would it make sense to attempt to provide a little bit of extra outline-offset in the focus styles of Links that contain icons?

Compare this (default):

Screen Shot 2022-10-27 at 2.18.33 PM.png (92×538 px, 14 KB)

With this (2px outline-offset added):

Screen Shot 2022-10-27 at 2.16.53 PM.png (92×518 px, 15 KB)

Personally I think the latter is better – a little bit of extra breathing room looks nicer to my eyes. However, I assume we'd only want this rule applied in cases where a .cdx-icon element sits inside of a link as a direct child. Traditionally there has not been a good way in CSS to write these sorts of rules, where you need to change the styles of the parent based on the existence of a child.

The new CSS :has() pseudo-class gives us the ability to do this. You could write a rule like this to ensure that the extra outline offset only got applied when an Icon was present inside a link:

.cdx-mixin-link-base() {
    &:has( > .cdx-icon ) {
        &:focus {
            outline-offset: 2px;

Browser support for :has() is limited, but I think we could treat this as a progressive enhancement – browsers that don't support :has() would see unchanged behavior, but modern that do support this feature would get something slightly nicer.


I wouldn't care too much for two reasons:

  • outline-offset isn't the magic bullet in my opinion. We might extend the offset but then run into issues in languages with very tight word spacings like in Burmese. We also shouldn't just do that for Codex interfaces. If that's evaluated appropriately, let's do it on a MediaWiki/WM skin level and in Codex

image.png (576×568 px, 155 KB)

  • the only icon usage in current links is added meta information about the type of the link coming in a smaller than usual icon size (12px at 14px base; slightly more at 16px base), so the current outline quirks disappears in the upcoming change
Volker_E updated the task description. (Show Details)

@bmartinezcalvo a strict 12px target for the external link icon would be too restrictive in our current 14/16 base font mix.
Please compare the updated patch.

Also, the different external link icon on smaller size is a) an overhead, that I still would like to finally discuss. We also need to implement it if agreed on in a different task, Link shouldn't be blocked by it.

@bmartinezcalvo a strict 12px target for the external link icon would be too restrictive in our current 14/16 base font mix.
Please compare the updated patch.

@Volker_E if we use the old icon 12px size it's too thin, but if we use the new icon instead this 12px icon size would be perfect for an external icon next to a 14/16px text as specified in the Figma spec.

Captura de Pantalla 2022-10-28 a las 11.07.09.png (180×564 px, 30 KB)

Also, the different external link icon on smaller size is a) an overhead, that I still would like to finally discuss. We also need to implement it if agreed on in a different task, Link shouldn't be blocked by it.

In this task we decided to use the new external icon in 12px size for links. Then we should use this new icon in link component. Also the previous external link icon was designed to be 20px size that would be too big for any external link icon. Could we add this new external 12px icon in our Codex icon list and use it in this component?

Change 850039 merged by jenkins-bot:

[design/codex@main] Link, docs: Apply design fixes

I've merged the latest patch for design fixes, meaning the Link page on the docs site now reflects these changes:

@bmartinezcalvo, can you review that page one more time and let us know if things look correct? I think that Icon changes can be handled in separate tasks and should not block the resolution of this one.

I'm not sure this ticket needs any dedicated QA (these are just links with styles, no additional behavior), so we can probably close as resolved or move to product sign-off once we have design approval.

@bmartinezcalvo, can you review that page one more time and let us know if things look correct? I think that Icon changes can be handled in separate tasks and should not block the resolution of this one.

Ok, I have created this other task T322014 to fix the external link icon.

@egardner what happened with the Start Icon? In some cases we could need the Start Icon in link component as specified in the spec sheet.

Captura de Pantalla 2022-10-31 a las 12.06.42.png (152×1 px, 35 KB)

Is it hidden in the component or did you remove it?

@egardner what happened with the Start Icon? In some cases we could need the Start Icon in link component as specified in the spec sheet.

Captura de Pantalla 2022-10-31 a las 12.06.42.png (152×1 px, 35 KB)

Is it hidden in the component or did you remove it?

Looks like that demo got removed, but I can re-introduce it to the page, in the "link with icon" section.

Change 852975 had a related patch set uploaded (by Eric Gardner; author: Eric Gardner):

[design/codex@main] Link: Add example with icon at start of link

@egardner what happened with the Start Icon? In some cases we could need the Start Icon in link component as specified in the spec sheet.

Captura de Pantalla 2022-10-31 a las 12.06.42.png (152×1 px, 35 KB)

Is it hidden in the component or did you remove it?

@bmartinezcalvo We two have had the conv at some place, we don't feature links with start icons in our system. That was the reason for removal.

@Volker_E I can abandon the patch I just opened if this example is not needed. In the mean time you can see a live demo here:

@bmartinezcalvo We two have had the conv at some place, we don't feature links with start icons in our system. That was the reason for removal.

@Volker_E in this comment bellow I explained that we should not use start icons in links within text paragraph.

Thanks @bmartinezcalvo!
One comment, we don't feature link icons in our environment before the link text in paragraphs.
Icons in links in running text are only used as addendum in so far is the first example in the demo misleading.

@Volker_E right, this was documented as a misuse in the Figma spec sheet and we should document it in the Codex demo too. It would be great if we can add a recommendations section with some images in our Codex demos.

Captura de Pantalla 2022-10-26 a las 19.12.35.png (558×1 px, 240 KB)

But start icon can be used in standalone links so we should add the start icon as component property and explain in the demo that we will only use it when the link is not within a text block.

Captura de Pantalla 2022-11-03 a las 19.14.09.png (440×2 px, 263 KB)

@Volker_E I can abandon the patch I just opened if this example is not needed. In the mean time you can see a live demo here:

@egardner start icon should be 20px while external link icon is 12px (as specified in the Figma spec)

Captura de Pantalla 2022-11-03 a las 19.15.52.png (84×528 px, 27 KB)

Captura de Pantalla 2022-11-03 a las 19.17.15.png (286×2 px, 105 KB)

If different styling is needed based on whether an Icon component appears before or after the link text, this may be difficult to achieve using CSS alone.

Say you have a link with an icon component inside it, along with link text. Your markup will look like this:

<!-- Link with icon at start -->
<a href=""><span class="cdx-icon"><svg>...</svg></span> Link Text<a>

<!-- Link with icon at end: -->
<a href="">Link text <span class="cdx-icon"><svg>...</svg></span><a>

So the Link contains two things: a <span> tag with the .cdx-icon class (which has an SVG inside of it), and some plain text (a TextNode, from the browser's perspective). The Icon comes either before the link text or after it.

Unfortunately, CSS has no way to distinguish between the two scenarios above (Icon before text vs Icon after text). You can write a rule that targets .cdx-icon:first-child {}, but it's going to end up applying to the Icon element regardless of whether it comes before the text or after it. CSS considers the .cdx-icon element to be both the first and last child of the <a> element; the text content is just part of the link, it doesn't get treated as a child element at all.

Firefox implements a non-standard :moz-first-node pseudo-class that would solve this problem, but we can't use it because it won't work in any other browser and is not on track to become part of the web standard.

I think the solution here is going to have to be found at the level of the Icon component, not the link styles. We should probably expose some classes or props to the user that would allow them to control the size that the icon takes inside of the link. For a CSS-only Icon component, this will probably have to be handled by certain modifier classes that apply different icons sizings from the tokens.

TLDR; I think that demonstrating the different icon sizes at start and end of link is out of scope for what we are doing here – instead this should be handled as part of future work on a CSS-only Icon component and/or as changes to how the Vue-based <CdxIcon> works.

Currently the approval of the Link LESS mixin is held up over issues with icons. We defined a style to handle icons that appear at the end of a bit of linked text, but an alternate style is needed for icons at the start of a link. We don't have a good way to differentiate between icons in different positions without adding additional markup or classes.

I'd like to propose that we remove all references to icons in links for now, and move forward with the current Link component as-is. I think that all the considerations about Icon size should be addressed at the level of the Icon component – and we may need to introduce a new CSS-only Icon style to accommodate these design requirements as well.

@bmartinezcalvo and @AnneT, what do you think about this? As a follow-up we might need to open a new task for Icon component sizes (and maybe start working on a CSS-only Icon component soon too).

I'd like to propose that we remove all references to icons in links for now, and move forward with the current Link component as-is. I think that all the considerations about Icon size should be addressed at the level of the Icon component – and we may need to introduce a new CSS-only Icon style to accommodate these design requirements as well.

@bmartinezcalvo and @AnneT, what do you think about this? As a follow-up we might need to open a new task for Icon component sizes (and maybe start working on a CSS-only Icon component soon too).

@egardner I've updated the Figma spec sheet removing the icon references (Start and End icons) so we can finish this MVP task now and fix the icon sizes in the future. I will create another task to add the icon and sizes in the Link component.

@egardner moving the task to Ready for Development so you can update the demo removing the Start and External link icons since, as explained above, we will work them in the new task T322631. Check this Figma spec version.

Currently the approval of the Link LESS mixin is held up over issues with icons. We defined a style to handle icons that appear at the end of a bit of linked text, but an alternate style is needed for icons at the start of a link. We don't have a good way to differentiate between icons in different positions without adding additional markup or classes.

I'd like to propose that we remove all references to icons in links for now, and move forward with the current Link component as-is. I think that all the considerations about Icon size should be addressed at the level of the Icon component – and we may need to introduce a new CSS-only Icon style to accommodate these design requirements as well.

@bmartinezcalvo and @AnneT, what do you think about this? As a follow-up we might need to open a new task for Icon component sizes (and maybe start working on a CSS-only Icon component soon too).

I agree that we should separate this work out into a new task so this one can move forward. Users can still create start and end links with the appropriate size by wrapping the link text in a <span> and setting styles on the icons via :first-child or :last-child in the meantime.

Creating a size prop in the icon component does seem like the simplest path forward, and would be useful elsewhere as well. The alternative would probably be changing Link to a full Vue component, which uses the .cdx-link() mixin internally and takes in props for startIcon and endIcon, which is what is suggested in T322631. Which path forward do we want to take?

Change 852975 abandoned by Eric Gardner:

[design/codex@main] Link: Add example with icon at start of link


It sounds like we can live with the current version of Link as it exists here:

In the future we may need to add some additional ability to modify Icon sizes (either in CSS or in Vue) to select from certain pre-defined sizes.

For now, this "component" should be considered ready for sign-off.

It sounds like we can live with the current version of Link as it exists here:

In the future we may need to add some additional ability to modify Icon sizes (either in CSS or in Vue) to select from certain pre-defined sizes.

For now, this "component" should be considered ready for sign-off.

@egardner great, moving the task to QTE sign-off.

Looks good to me in Chrome v106, Safari v16.0 and Firefox 106 on MacOS Monterey 12.6.

Change 859597 had a related patch set uploaded (by Anne Tomasevich; author: Anne Tomasevich):

[mediawiki/core@master] Update Codex from v0.2.2 to v0.3.0

Change 859597 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/core@master] Update Codex from v0.2.2 to v0.3.0