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Drop temporary feature flag SpecialContributeSkinsEnabled
Open, Needs TriagePublic


During 1.39 we have added the SpecialContributeSkinsDisabled feature flag (later renamed to SpecialContributeSkinsEnabled) as a temporary stopgap that controls whether the tabs are shown at the top of the Special:Contributions page. We would like to remove this prior to the 1.40 release so that we do not have to support it in future MediaWiki releases.

At time of writing this flag is enabled on the beta cluster for Minerva skin:

Screen Shot 2022-11-14 at 4.24.31 PM.png (1×2 px, 225 KB)

Screen Shot 2022-11-14 at 4.21.56 PM.png (832×1 px, 147 KB)

Without the feature flag, the menu will automatically show up on Vector 2022 and Minerva skins (as well as any third party skins which make use of this special menu for special pages).

Background: T319327#8376355

Event Timeline


  1. What task is unconditionally showing the tabs on Special:Contributions page blocked on?
  2. Would showing this menu in the Vector 2022 skin cause any problems for the language team?

The translate card in Special:Contribute does not make sense in wikis when accessed in mobile and when mobile mode of CX(also known as section translation) is not available. But in T319306: Adjust visibility for the option to translate in the Persistent Contribution entry point we made sure that Translate option card will be shown only when it is a valid option in a mobile/desktop mode in a specific wiki. So that part is covered.

The remaining issue is not directly related to language team, but ageneral issue.

Other than the 'Translate' option, the only other entrypoint there is "New article" card. Currently we are discussing T321379: Special:Contribute should give the possibility to prevent specific cards from being displayed or change the link target how to improve it and we see that there are some wikis where this card won't have any meaningful entrypoint. For example, a wiki that does not have Wikipedia:RequestedPages page. Depending on that a wiki may end up with blank Special:Contribute? I think that is the only issue we need to consider before having this feature enabled everywhere by default.

Perhaps when there are zero options Special:Contribute should redirect and the tabs should not display.

In T321379 if we go with the message to configure which page to use we could also check if the message is disabled to allow wiki to disable that page.

Perhaps when there are zero options Special:Contribute should redirect and the tabs should not display.

If this is technically viable, I think it could work quite well. If there are no options the user gets the list of their contributions (the Contributions page).
This case is expected to become more and more rare as more options are added to the list.

^ @matmarex @Mabualruz would hiding tabs when zero options be viable? I guess we'd need to redirect Special:Contribute to Special:Contributions in this case (so that we can retain the menu item to contribute as a static link?)

MediaWiki 1.40 branching has been announced for 13 March 2023 ( This task should probably be resolved before that time. Is anyone working on this?

@santhosh how close is the language team to being able to display the tabs? What are the blockers to doing this?