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Language list shows in preview (not gadget related)
Closed, ResolvedPublic3 Estimated Story PointsBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue:

  • Disable VisualEditor in user preferences
  • Go to any article on the Vietnamese Wikipedia (for example: which has languages
  • Click Edit source
  • Click PREVIEW button
  • Scroll down a bit and look at the left side bar where you can find the Language list

What happens?:

image.png (740×401 px, 29 KB)

The full list appears (instead of a compacted list), there's a letter "G" in every other line, and when you hover your cursor over it, it will jump randomly.

What should have happened instead?:

The languages should appear in the top right under the language button

QA Results - Beta


QA Results - Prod


Event Timeline

sgrabarczuk renamed this task from Language list doesn't look right after the new Page tool feature for Vector 2022 was deploited to Language list doesn't look right after the new Page tool feature for Vector 2022 was deployed.Jan 24 2023, 5:53 PM
sgrabarczuk awarded a token.
Jdlrobson changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Jan 30 2023, 7:17 PM
Jdlrobson subscribed.

I can't replicate this issue. I enabled all gadgets on Vietnamese Wikipedia and was still unable to get the screenshot. It is highly likely that this issue is a caching issue that occurred during the rollout of page tools .

@PPham are you still able to replicate this ? If so could you please provide some more information:

  • What URL can you replicate the issue?
  • Are you logged in or logged out?

@Jdlrobson It's still there.

The URL:

I'm logging in. But it's really odd, I can only replicate this issue when I use my personal account. The list of languages disappeared (like the Chrome version above) when I changed to my WMF account, still the same browser.

There is also sbd else (seemingly) reporting this issue too.

Jdlrobson renamed this task from Language list doesn't look right after the new Page tool feature for Vector 2022 was deployed to Language list shows in preview (not gadget related).Jan 31 2023, 7:16 PM
Jdlrobson changed the task status from Stalled to Open.
Jdlrobson updated the task description. (Show Details)

Change 885411 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jdlrobson; author: Jdlrobson):

[mediawiki/skins/Vector@master] Languages should be at top on edit preview

Jdlrobson triaged this task as Medium priority.Jan 31 2023, 7:23 PM

Ok I can replicate this now. Doesn't seem to be gadget related. Rather Vector 2022 is overly restrictive over where we show the language button.
@ovasileva this is ready for estimation.

Please also test with "Show preview when starting to edit" user preference and the "Do not show page content below diffs" user preference (see

Would be nice to know what should happen there for further code review.

Change 885411 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/skins/Vector@master] Languages should be in HTML at top whenever languages are added to page

Test Result - Beta

Status: ✅ PASS
Environment: vibeta
OS: macOS Ventura
Browser: Chrome
Device: MBP
Emulated Device:NA

Test Artifact(s):

QA Steps

Disable VisualEditor in user preferences
Go to any article on the Vietnamese Wikipedia (for example: which has languages
Click Edit source
Click PREVIEW button
✅ AC1: The languages should appear in the top right under the language button

Screenshot 2023-02-08 at 4.56.08 PM.png (708×1 px, 191 KB)

Screenshot 2023-02-08 at 4.55.51 PM.png (744×1 px, 194 KB)

Edtadros subscribed.

Test Result - Prod

Status: ✅ PASS
Environment: viwiki
OS: macOS Ventura
Browser: Chrome
Device: MBP
Emulated Device:NA

Test Artifact(s):

QA Steps

Disable VisualEditor in user preferences
Go to any article on the Vietnamese Wikipedia (for example: which has languages
Click Edit source
Click PREVIEW button
✅ AC1: The languages should appear in the top right under the language button

Screenshot 2023-02-10 at 4.25.18 PM.png (753×1 px, 298 KB)