T326415 adds buttons next to temporary account user names for requesting IP addresses used by the temporary account. Currently one IP address is revealed per click, either the latest IP address or the IP address used for the related revision (if there is one).
However, for a better patroller experience, T325238 asks for multiple reveals with a single click:
How are IPs revealed?
Two ways:
- Temp user reveal: On all other pages admins and checkusers will be able to reveal all IPs for a given temp account. In other words, revealing a temp account will unveil all instances of that temp account on that page irrespective of the IP address.
- Pair (temp user-IP) reveal: patrollers will only be able to reveal a single "temp account - IP address" pair at a time. In other words, revealing a temp account will unveil all other temp account instances on that page that are from the same IP address.
This task is for the second one: Pair (temp user-IP) reveal.
This should be done after T327946: Admins and checkusers unveil all IPs on the page for a temp account by clicking one button, since it will likely use the same mechanism but filter out IPs before returning them