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Update Tests to Cover Recent Page Tools Regressions
Closed, ResolvedPublic5 Estimated Story Points



We've had a handful of tickets recently that have been marked as regressions related to the Page Tools rollout.

We should look through each one of these (See query here) and for each, ensure that:

  • There is at very least a manual test case to cover this issue (Please pair with @Edtadros on this!)
  • If appropriate, there is a Pixel test case to cover this issue
  • If Pixel would not cover this, document what kind of testing we would need to do to catch this

Acceptance Criteria

  • There is a manual test case covering all identified issues
  • There is a pixel test case covering all appropriate issues
  • We have identified the kind of testing necessary to capture remaining issues

Here's a sheet with all of the test cases that satisfies AC1-3.

Event Timeline

I'll gather the tasks and list them in the description.

LGoto triaged this task as Medium priority.Feb 2 2023, 6:42 PM
LGoto set the point value for this task to 5.

Can we add T327423 and T327778 to the list of regressions? Both of these occurred during the Vector-22 deploy, and adding visual test coverage for at least T327423 would be very easy

Mabualruz lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Low.May 25 2023, 4:56 PM
Edtadros added subscribers: bwang, Jdlrobson.

I've updated the task description with a link to the sheet. Thanks @bwang and @Jdlrobson for your help with this.

All the tasks are done except the Pixel-related checks which will be spun off in this ticket.