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DSG: Add deprecation notice
Closed, ResolvedPublic1 Estimated Story Points


The design style guide will be deprecated in favor of Codex, once all of the desired content is moved over. In the meantime, we should let users of the style guide know that the content is being moved and where they can go moving forward.

Acceptance Criteria

NOTE: once all the DSG content has been moved to Codex, we will redirect the DSG to Codex in T347895: Redirect DSG to Codex's Style Guide .


TitleReferenceAuthorSource BranchDest Branch
Add deprecation notice to all DSG pages (#521)repos/sre/miscweb/design-style-guide!2jeltodeprecation-notice-cherry-pickmaster
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Event Timeline

  • Who is able to actually update the currently-existing DSG site? @Volker_E will coordinate with SRE to see if we can make the necessary changes quickly here.

I saw the patch in the mail and learned about it being deprecated. I wanted to suggest making not a standard notification, but a notification with a link to the corresponding page in the Codex page (section), because I have now spent a lot of time finding information on colors :)

For example in
Wikimedia Design Style Guide will be archived soon. Visit its improved and enhanced successor:<br><a href="" target="_blank">Codex, Design System for Wikimedia</a>.


Wikimedia Design Style Guide will be archived soon. Visit its improved and enhanced successor:<br><a href="" target="_blank">Codex, Design System for Wikimedia</a>.

@Iniquity We are planning to do per-page redirects when we finally remove – for this change it seemed as wrongly spent time given our current workload. The deprecation (before archiving completely) should only be there for a few weeks.

@Iniquity We are planning to do per-page redirects when we finally remove – for this change it seemed as wrongly spent time given our current workload. The deprecation (before archiving completely) should only be there for a few weeks.

Oh, great! Thank you :)

Change 991748 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jelto; author: Jelto):

[operations/deployment-charts@master] miscweb: update design-style-guide to show deprecation notice

Change 991748 merged by jenkins-bot:

[operations/deployment-charts@master] miscweb: update design-style-guide to show deprecation notice