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Thank You page experiment: custom account creation page for English Wikipedia experiment
Closed, ResolvedPublic2 Estimated Story Points


User story:

As a donor viewing the Thank You page, I want to see a call to action to try editing, because I support Wikipedia financially so I might also consider editing if prompted.

AKA: encourage donors to consider editing as another way to contribute.



Previous similar task: T321370: Thank You Pages: custom account creation pages for sv, it, ja, fr, nl

Previous research: Newcomer Experience Pilot Project- Thank You Pages and Thank You Banners

This task is about extending this experiment to English Wikipedia.


Campaign summary:
The fundraising team maintains the “Thank you page”, which all donors from emails and banners see after completing their donation. We’re hoping to experiment with adding a call to action to “learn to edit Wikipedia” that then funnels donors into creating an account and then onboarding as new editors.

Request Description:
Create landing pages for donors clicking on the CTA from the fundraising Thank You page.

CountryLanguagewiki projectcopydesigncampaign URL pattern
Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, UK & USEnglishen.wikipediaEnglish copydesign exampletypage-6C-en-2023
NOTE: We do not need any special instrumentation for this. The campaign URL pattern lets us track the impact of the campaign.

Describe user experience after account creation for each page: Users will click on the “learn to edit” CTA on the thank you page and come to the donor-specific create an account page, then be brought to the homepage. They will not go to the welcome survey.

Include standard data disclaimer: Yes

  • English: By creating your account on this page, it will be associated with this campaign for experience and analysis purposes.
Project management details:

Campaign dates: TBD

Name of final approver of the campaign materials: Haley Nordeen

Acceptance criteria:

Given I've Donated to English Wikipedia,
When I click on the "learn to edit" CTA on the Thank You page,
Then I land on a custom account creation page for English Wikipedia experiment

Provide mobile and desktop links for testing:

Beta URLsTest URLsProduction URLs
desktop link, mobile linkdesktop link, mobile linkdesktop link, mobile link

Event Timeline

@HNordeenWMF - Can you read through this task and make sure I've covered what you would need from the Growth team to expand the Thank You page experiment to English Wikipedia.

I have some "best guesses" in this task that might need updating. For example:

  • What campaign URL pattern should we use?
  • When do you need Growth team work complete by?
  • Are we using the same English copy that we used previously?
  • Are we using the same legal disclaimer copy?

Thanks for the help!

Hi @KStoller-WMF, thanks much for your help! I'll be project managing these last pieces but shoutout to @HNordeenWMF for her guidance :)

1. What campaign URL pattern should we use?

Can you please also include country as a two letter parameter in the URLs, in this spot marked by hashes: typage-##-en-2023? We will be running this test in our six 'Big English' countries and would like to be able to track accounts on an individual country basis.

Here's a sample table:

CountryLanguagewiki projectcopydesigncampaign URL pattern
AustraliaEnglishen.wikipediaEnglish copydesign exampletypage-au-en-2023
CanadaEnglishen.wikipediaEnglish copydesign exampletypage-ca-en-2023
IrelandEnglishen.wikipediaEnglish copydesign exampletypage-ie-en-2023
New ZealandEnglishen.wikipediaEnglish copydesign exampletypage-nz-en-2023
The United KingdomEnglishen.wikipediaEnglish copydesign exampletypage-gb-en-2023
The United StatesEnglishen.wikipediaEnglish copydesign exampletypage-us-en-2023

2. When do you need Growth team work complete by?

Is the week of U.S. Thanksgiving too soon? If we could have the URLs available to us by Wednesday, November 22, we'd be in a good place to enable for the launch of our campaign the next week.

3. Are we using the same English copy that we used previously?


4. Are we using the same legal disclaimer copy?


Thanks for the answers, I'll check with engineers and get this prioritized ASAP.

KStoller-WMF moved this task from Needs Discussion to Backlog on the Growth-Team board.

Do we have any kind of instrumentation for this in place? Or should we add it to the requirements and prepare some experiment so we can analyze the impact of the TY pages cc @nettrom_WMF

Do we have any kind of instrumentation for this in place? Or should we add it to the requirements and prepare some experiment so we can analyze the impact of the TY pages cc @nettrom_WMF

We're able to track views of the landing page and account creations because of the campaign parameter in the URLs, since it's unique to each specific campaign. In previous analyses, that's how we've measured the impact of the campaign. Or in other words, no need for additional instrumentation for this project.

@spatton and I discussed and we've simplified requirements:

CountryLanguagewiki projectcopydesigncampaign URL pattern
Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, UK & USEnglishen.wikipediaEnglish copydesign exampletypage-6C-en-2023

We recognize that will also limit the analysis possible, but it's a reasonable simplification to get this released more quickly.

As promised, I looked into this. It looks like the Thank You page is specified in the same way as in T321370 (including the campaign parameter format). In addition to that, it also look we didn't undeploy any of the T321370 changes.

Because of that, I think the requested Thank You page is actually working without needing any further changes on the Growth Team's part: I briefly tested, and it looks like the currently deployed Thank You pages meet all the requirements from this task. As such, it doesn't seem like this task asks for any changes in addition to what we already have.

Requested URLs:

As far as I can see, our current configuration should also cover all the other originally requested landing pages (T350745#9321097) that were later removed from the descriptor. For them, simply change the campaign parameter with any value from T350745#9321097.

FTR, the current Thank You pages are enabled on all Wikipedias, as long as the campaign parameter has the following form: typage-X-X-2023 (where X is any non-empty sequence of alphanumeric characters). We can change this pattern to typage-X-X-D (where X would be any non-empty sequence of alphanumeric characters and D would be a non-empty sequence of digits), so that the Thank You pages can be used with any year in the suffix, without any action taken by the Growth team.

@KStoller-WMF @spatton Can you please review the currently deployed Thank You pages, and let me know if any changes are required there?

Thanks very much for this investigation, @Urbanecm_WMF, and for the detailed instructions! I've tested the production desktop link ( and can confirm that I got the 'donor-branded' account creation page, as expected; and was able to create an account without any disruptions.

We are planning to implement the 'Try editing Wikipedia' call to action as a secondary CTA on the Thank You page for our end of year campaign tomorrow, November 28, by around 16 UTC. We'll confirm here when we have done that. CC @ehughes, the Fundraising developer working with me on this.

We'll be using the campaign URL pattern that Martin provided in his sample URLs above: typage-6C-en-2023 .

@KStoller-WMF and/or @nettrom_WMF, could you please let us know if you'd be able to provide an update on account signups some time after the first 24 hour mark, and then occasionally in December? Thanks!

Confirming the secondary CTA is now live on the Thank You page for 6C countries!

Urbanecm_WMF set the point value for this task to 2.Nov 28 2023, 11:56 AM

@KStoller-WMF and/or @nettrom_WMF, could you please let us know if you'd be able to provide an update on account signups some time after the first 24 hour mark, and then occasionally in December? Thanks!

I've scheduled time to grab data for this some time tomorrow (2023-11-29) and will update T352116 with the results. Grabbing additional data as needed should not be a problem, but might run into end-of-year time off. Let me know if you have a particular schedule in mind, that'll make planning easier.

Etonkovidova subscribed.

Adding mobile screenshots:

@KStoller-WMF - very minor notes: (1) on mobile there are two images (the heart and the wiki logo) - they are not aligned, i.e. the heart is not on a middle line (2) more scrolling is needed for the campaign form, since the heart and the message occupies space.
I'm closing the task as Resolved since the task's scope is done.