The designs for the configuration editor contain sections that are informational rather than any form controls. This task is to allow to render such kind of sections within the form.
User story:
Given I am an interface administrator, navigate to the Community Configuration Editing form page for a given provider,
Then there is rich and contextual information about the impact and scope of the configuration changed. Ideally linking to some statistics about its usage
Note: for the first implementation is not required to use a uischema.json as defined in the spec although it might end up being necessary.
Copy text:
Mentorship form copy:
Newcomers are automatically assigned to mentors; these mentors are categorized as "Automatically assigned mentors" in Special:ManageMentors. A mentor can update their Mentor Dashboard settings to only claim mentees manually, they are categorized as "Manually assigned mentors". The ideal number of mentors is: one mentor for each group of 500 new accounts, with a minimum of 3 mentors. Mentees can also receive encouraging messages from established editors, which can improve new editor retention. The Personalized praise module surfaces praiseworthy new editors to their mentor, to help productive new editors feel more engaged and involved in the community.
Help panel form copy:
The help panel can be available in any namespace, in reading or edit mode, as configured below. It includes the ability to search for help, click help links, and ask questions to either mentors or to the help desk. It displays five links and one "view more" link. These can be configured to be any links in the wiki, but recommendations are included below.
Newcomer homepage form copy:
The Newcomer homepage (Special:Homepage) provides guidance for new account holders. Upon registration, if a new account holder indicates they want to create an article or add a new image to Wikipedia, we recommend they start with a smaller edit to get started, but also provide a link to further guidance.
Figma designs
Community Configuration Designs for Growth
Example "informational section" within red rectangle:
Acceptance criteria:
- "Mentorship" form has introductory section
- "Help panel" form has introductory section
- "Newcomer Homepage" form has introductory section
- "Suggested edits" form has introductory section