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[M] Create schema docs and instrumentation plan for iOS Image Recs
Closed, ResolvedPublic



  • Review designs and project goals and ensure validators are satisfactory or recommend improvements
  • Create or update schema based on designs
  • Instrument feature based on schema doc from Shay
  • Create data validation task

We want to measure:

  • Metric specific Leading Indicators: Indicators to be captured after 15 days
  • Image rejection rate does not exceed 29%
  • Edit over-acceptance rate (never skip or reject recommended images) does not exceed 35%
  • Task completion rate is not below 30%
  • Revert rate does not exceed 18%


  • KR 1.1: 600 articles have images in a 30 day period
  • KR 1.2: Average at least 4.5 edits per day per unique user
  • KR 1.3: 10% of eligible Suggested Editors try image recommendations task
  • KR 1.4: 30% of those users complete the task again on a separate day in a 15 day period
  • KR 1.5: Accept rate does not deviate from Mobile Web or Android by more than 10 percentage points
  • KR 1.6: 10% increase in unreverted edits from iOS in the main namespace


  • KR 1.1: Less than 5% of users report NSFW or offensive content
  • KR 1.3: All users spend at least 10s evaluating a task before publishing it
  • KR 1.4: Bounce rate does not exceed 30%
    • Bounce rate defined as users that click Yes then abandon the flow before publishing
  • KR 1.5: At least a 80% task completion rate
    • Defined as users that click on Add an image as a task, and actually clicks Yes, No or Not sure (interact with the feature)
  • KR 1.6: Revert rate does not exceed 5%

Curiosities (nice to have)

  • KR 1.1: Do these numbers differ by user tenure?
  • KR 1.2: Are we seeing differences in these metrics when focusing on our target audiences as compared to general population?
  • KR 1.3 At what point in workflow are most frequent dropoff events?
  • KR 1.4 How often are users adding captions and alt-text (distinguish between the two)?
  • KR 1.5 How often are reverted edits captioned?

No reports of reasonably fixable bugs with Suggested Edits through the app store or our support email in a 30 day period post release

Survey Flow: - T358924
Seen after choosing Choosing 'No' from the sheet

    • People may select multiple options. Tapping cancel takes you back to the image recommendation.
    • Trying to type a reason automatically selects this option.
    • Deselecting this option grey's out any left over text in the input field.
  • There is an other field collecting user feedback
1. Modal asking for the reason2. Selecting 'Other'3. Deselecting 'Other'4. Tapping 'Submit' takes you to the next edit
Reason.png (667×375 px, 22 KB)
Other.png (667×375 px, 37 KB)
Deselecting.png (667×375 px, 24 KB)
Goat.png (667×375 px, 91 KB)

Event Timeline

JTannerWMF moved this task from Needs Triage to Up next on the Wikipedia-iOS-App-Backlog board.

We should pick this up the second week in March

HNordeenWMF raised the priority of this task from Low to Medium.Apr 16 2024, 9:30 PM
HNordeenWMF updated the task description. (Show Details)
HNordeenWMF updated the task description. (Show Details)

@Tsevener heads up that this one is now ready to be estimated and picked up!

Tsevener renamed this task from Create schema docs and instrumentation plan for iOS Image Recs to [M] Create schema docs and instrumentation plan for iOS Image Recs.Apr 19 2024, 3:57 PM

This is mostly done - progress is in the image-rec/metrics branch. I have a few questions for @SNowick_WMF as comments in the deck. Once those are cleared up I can wrap this up next week.

Note this work is build on top of a temporary branch called image-rec-prs. Once all of our current PRs are merged, we should cherry pick these metric commits into a new PR branch against main.

Development work is done - just waiting on dependent PRs to get merged before creating PR for this.

Released on the latest Wikipedia Beta version 7.5.0 (3509) so we can data to validate it. Let me know if I should move to another column

HNordeenWMF claimed this task.
HNordeenWMF changed the task status from Unknown Status to Resolved.May 7 2024, 10:19 PM