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Add filtering input for gadgets to easily find them in Preferences
Closed, InvalidPublicFeature


A working version of the filtering box (loading might need refactoring)

It's already a problem that there are to many gadgets to quickly locate the ones you want. Sections help but they are not very strict and meaningful.

Also more gadgets for even small stuff could be added be then user would never find them... We (on even had a questionnaire to remove the least used gadgets.

So. I think a simple filter input would help solve this issues.

I'm attaching an add-on script that allows filtering as the user types leaving sections in place. User can filter by any part of a word in description and even by two parts of a word in any order ("nav po" should find Navigation popups). I've tested this on English and Polish Wikipedia so hopefully it should work without problems, but you might want to put GadgetFilter.init() in some more appropriate place.

Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement




Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 22 2014, 1:42 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz51147.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Neat. :-)

Bugzilla attachments for code are deprecated in favor of [[mw:Gerrit]] changesets. Do you have any interest in submitting a Gerrit changeset for this feature? If not, no big deal. We'll get it into Gerrit one way or another.

Hi! Thanks for your patch!

You are welcome to use Developer access

to submit this as a Git branch directly into Gerrit:

Putting your branch in Git makes it easier to review it quickly.
Thanks again! We appreciate your contribution.

If I remember correctly, this is also something that Roan and Krinkle were working on for Gadgets2. But Gadgets2 has been indefinitely postponed due to both working on more important projects.

This seems useful as an intermediate solution.

I'm sorry, I'm not into that right now. I don't have latest MW installed and so cannot even test final version of this. Maybe when VE will be out I will be able to move to latest at work and have more time to apply for dev. access.

In the mean time feel free to use attached JS to create a patch. I guess I forgot to mention so you can treat it as licensed under CC-BY/MIT or any similar.

[Attach code is not a patch; hence removing keywords]

Aklapper changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Feature Request".Feb 4 2022, 12:24 PM
Aklapper removed a subscriber: wikibugs-l-list.

If anyone wants to tackle this, I have a newer version of the library for filtering here:

I used it here to enhance long tables with a filter:

The GUI is quite crude but useful for me ;-) (probably might use OOUI to make it look better)

I added T313804 as a subtask because it appears to be basically done on this work.

matmarex subscribed.

Yes, I think that with T313804 adding a search for all preferences (including gadgets), this isn't so necessary.