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Avoid having two h1 headings on Wikidata
Closed, ResolvedPublic1 Estimated Story Points


Vector currently has 2 h1 headings - the default one and the Wikidata one. This will confuse web crawlers.
In mobile the heading shows twice because of this hack.

Please use onOutputPageParserOutput hook and set the page title like this instead to generate the headings:
$outputPage->setPageTitle( 'Universe <span>(Q1)</span>' );

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Bene subscribed.

This patch might fix the issue:

I'm however not sure if we want to inject our html in MediaWiki's h1 or if we rather want to drop that h1 completely.

Change 203681 had a related patch set uploaded (by Florianschmidtwelzow):
Put the label into the .firstHeading element

Bene renamed this task from Wikidata should use onOutputPageParserOutput to Avoid having two h1 headings on Wikidata.Apr 13 2015, 11:58 AM
Bene set Security to None.