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To help desktop users ensure pages look OK for mobile, let them "preview" how it will look as they edit on desktop, regardless of editor
Open, MediumPublic


[Placeholder for further discussion]

Event Timeline

Tnegrin raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Tnegrin updated the task description. (Show Details)
Tnegrin added subscribers: Tnegrin, JKatzWMF.

I think so -- this is primarily is response to some discussions with
community folks who say that they actually will pull pages up in a mobile
to see how they render. It would be nice to have this be part of the tool.

Jdforrester-WMF renamed this task from add mobile preview to VE and Wikitext editors to To help desktop users ensure pages look OK for mobile, let them "preview" how it will look as they edit on desktop, regardless of editor.Nov 23 2015, 6:34 PM
Jdforrester-WMF subscribed.

I've re-titled this to make it clearer, based on conversations but I could have misunderstood – please edit if so.

See also the gadget @brion made last year: (not sure if it was implemented for edit previews too)

@Tbayer this ^ is awesome! Thanks for sharing.

Hmm, that gadget is nice. /me should round that up and get that deployed on en.wp

Jdlrobson triaged this task as Medium priority.May 25 2016, 9:21 PM

@dr0ptp4kt What does the team need to analyze here? Or is this a Tracking task?

I believe the team would need to analyze proper interoperability of the MobileFrontend componentry with this solution. This said, for practical purposes Tracking is probably a fine place for this at the time being. In a future state when this mobile preview would be on the horizon, people could be pinged on this task to figure out timing, work involved, etc.

Moving to Tracking on Web-Team-Backlog for the time being.