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[Spike] Investigate building a hook for abuse filter
Open, LowestPublic


As an abusefilter maintainer, I would like to be use the likelihood of a revision being damaging and/or goodfaith to decide whether a filter should display a warning, disallow the edit, or do nothing.

This would allow filters to have less false positives than manually constructed rules which take into account only a small subset of features which revscoring models can use.

That would be cool!

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Ladsgroup claimed this task.
Ladsgroup raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Ladsgroup updated the task description. (Show Details)
Ladsgroup added subscribers: Ladsgroup, Ebrahim.

This is technically possible, yes. But I'm skeptical, because AIUI ORES is currently set up to process edits *after* they're saved, how would it work pre-save? Use PST wikitext? HTML? What about content that is vary-revision?

Also we're working on cutting down save time a lot, and adding an extra network request may work counter to that goal...

These are pretty valid points, thank you for this

Ladsgroup triaged this task as Lowest priority.Jan 21 2016, 10:02 AM
Ladsgroup set Security to None.
He7d3r subscribed.

I would like this to be reconsidered, as I don't see the problem: there are many features¹ in revscoring which seems to be available to AbuseFilter already as variables, or which could be obtained from wherever AF gets them right now.

At most we would need to train specific models not requiring any feature for which the date is only available after saving the page. Anyway, this would provide AbuseFilter a model which is a lot better than our current strategies of checking *only* the namespace and the number of bytes in each revision:

¹ "feature" in this sense:

Halfak moved this task from Completed to Parked on the Machine-Learning-Team (Active Tasks) board.
Halfak subscribed.

@He7d3r, would you like to take on this task?

Unfortunately I don't have the time to explore this currently... :-(

This is technically possible, yes. But I'm skeptical, because AIUI ORES is currently set up to process edits *after* they're saved, how would it work pre-save? Use PST wikitext? HTML? What about content that is vary-revision?

I take this back. Something would be better than nothing.