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EPIC: Next deployment of portal page to production (bug fixes, remove inline JS)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This ticket is to track the next deployment of the portal page to production. We'll use this ticket to push into production the fixes / code updates that we've tested in Beta.

See list of blocking tickets to know what is getting deployed.

Event Timeline

JGirault raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
JGirault updated the task description. (Show Details)
JGirault subscribed.
ksmith renamed this task from Next deployment to production to Next deployment of portal page to production.Jan 27 2016, 11:09 PM
ksmith set Security to None.

@debt why is T124848 a blocker?
I can do it manually.

It was too tight to make it by 4pm (rebasing gave me too much pain).
Maybe we can deploy it tomorrow...
Otherwise we will try on Monday..

debt renamed this task from Next deployment of portal page to production to EPIC: Next deployment of portal page to production.Feb 5 2016, 7:31 PM

Added Epic tag for this ticket - no points.

Today's Friday special release includes:

The rest will go next week during normal production release timeframes.

debt renamed this task from EPIC: Next deployment of portal page to production to EPIC: Next deployment of portal page to production (bug fixes, remove inline JS).Feb 5 2016, 9:51 PM

@debt, @Jdrewniak, @MSyed, I uploaded the latest master to

Please check. Scheduled deployment to production on Tuesday 12am UTC.

Change 268849 had a related patch set uploaded (by JGirault):
Bump portals to master (color standardization, CSS sprites, updated stats)

Change 268849 merged by jenkins-bot:
Bump portals to master (color standardization, CSS sprites, updated stats)

This went live on Monday, Feb 8