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[betalabs-Regression] cross-wiki bundle displays only wiki names - no notifications
Closed, ResolvedPublic


  1. As betalabs (1.28.0-alpha (ce5bea1)) user with some notifications, log in to a foreign wiki.
  2. Expand the flyout and then expand the bundled cross-wiki notifications.

The cross-wiki bundle will display only wikis names, but not the notifications.

Screen Shot 2016-07-19 at 2.47.21 PM.png (358×637 px, 50 KB)

Screen Shot 2016-07-19 at 2.40.01 PM.png (676×693 px, 99 KB)

Event Timeline

Checked in 1.28.0-alpha (93f90bf) after the transition scripts were run - the issue persists for users who visit some wiki for the first time and for users who haven't been logged for a long time (also see T140327: [betalabs-Regression] Incorrect count when only cross-wiki notifications are present)

Screen Shot 2016-07-20 at 11.44.00 AM.png (313×543 px, 42 KB)

Screen Shot 2016-07-20 at 11.34.14 AM.png (323×591 px, 44 KB)

Quiddity renamed this task from [betalabs-Regression] cross-wiki bundle displays only wiki names - no notifcations to [betalabs-Regression] cross-wiki bundle displays only wiki names - no notifications .Jul 25 2016, 9:19 PM

Present in 1.28.0-wmf.11 (rMWce33bcf645f6)
The screen recording is for user Zilant17. I checked in db for hewiki - only five notifications, all seen/read, coming from the same page, all of the same type:'edit-user-talk'


  • The issue happened with three users out of four that I use to test in production
  • The issue did go away eventually; login/re-login 'synced' the display status with actual read status.

Change 301382 had a related patch set uploaded (by Sbisson):
[WIP] Moderate notifications

This has been marked for inclusion in Tech News, so asking to be on the safe side: Is this just beta cluster, or affecting content wikis too?

This has been marked for inclusion in Tech News, so asking to be on the safe side: Is this just beta cluster, or affecting content wikis too?

This probably affected production wikis too

I don't think this is completely fixed. still needs to be merged and the maintenance script in should be run to take care of the few user accounts that are very problematic.

Change 301382 merged by jenkins-bot:
Moderate notifications

Checked in betalabs - all cross-wiki bundled notifications can be expanded and all messages displayed.