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Failing test BounceHandler/UnSubscribeUserTest::testUnSubscribeUser due to WANObjectCache::delete
Closed, ResolvedPublicPRODUCTION ERROR


20:34:25 1) UnSubscribeUserTest::testUnSubscribeUser
20:34:25 MWException: CAS update failed on user_touched for user ID '3' (read from slave); the version of the user to be saved is older than the current version.
20:34:25 /mnt/jenkins-workspace/workspace/mwext-testextension-php55/src/includes/user/User.php:3984
20:34:25 /mnt/jenkins-workspace/workspace/mwext-testextension-php55/src/extensions/BounceHandler/includes/BounceHandlerActions.php:160
20:34:25 /mnt/jenkins-workspace/workspace/mwext-testextension-php55/src/extensions/BounceHandler/includes/BounceHandlerActions.php:86
20:34:25 /mnt/jenkins-workspace/workspace/mwext-testextension-php55/src/extensions/BounceHandler/includes/ProcessBounceEmails.php:91
20:34:25 /mnt/jenkins-workspace/workspace/mwext-testextension-php55/src/extensions/BounceHandler/tests/phpunit/UnSubscribeUserTest.php:58
20:34:25 /mnt/jenkins-workspace/workspace/mwext-testextension-php55/src/tests/phpunit/MediaWikiTestCase.php:389

Event Timeline

Is BounceHandler really to blame here, or do we blame MW?

It's not like it's doing any of it's own DB queries, so it's MW being crappy

When I locally run it, I get this one:

There was 1 error:

1) UnSubscribeUserTest::testUnSubscribeUser
Declaration of EchoBounceHandlerFormatter::getLinkParams() should be compatible with EchoBasicFormatter::getLinkParams($event, $user, $destination)


Well. it was due to my not-updated Echo. Now the error message is the same.

1) UnSubscribeUserTest::testUnSubscribeUser
MWException: CAS update failed on user_touched for user ID '3' (read from slave); the version of the user to be saved is older than the current version.

Change 303345 had a related patch set uploaded (by 01tonythomas):
Check if the user is subscribed initially, before unsubscribing

Alright. So I took a look at the tests and the functions involved, and here are my findings.

  1. We are actually sending in 4 bounces and the limit is 3, now for the 4th one, the code at is actually trying to unsubscribe a user without checking if the user has their email account authenticated. The above patch does the additional checking.
  2. The tests are still failing, as I see that the user is getting unsubscribed in BounceHandlerActions::unSubscribeUser() and the authetnticationTimeStamp is still NULL. The funny thing is, when coming back to the test, trying to replicate this use again in -- I see that value of authenticationTimeStamp is set. Something wrong with the test framework, or what ?

Can someone take a look into #2, and help me get the code merged ?

Probably due to b23e0b0a835fa84031442b8b3b313860a6affadf. In hindsight, that change is pretty scary.

Change 325883 had a related patch set uploaded (by Gergő Tisza):
Fix tests

The tests are probably still broken; the cause seemed to be WANObjectCache::delete() failing to work properly in unit tests.

Krinkle renamed this task from BounceHandler UnSubscribeUserTest::testUnSubscribeUser test failing to Failing test BounceHandler/UnSubscribeUserTest::testUnSubscribeUser due to WANObjectCache::delete.Apr 8 2017, 12:08 AM
Krinkle moved this task from General to libs/objectcache on the MediaWiki-libs-BagOStuff board.

The tests are probably still broken; the cause seemed to be WANObjectCache::delete() failing to work properly in unit tests.

In what way? Is it the write-hole logic?

I don't remember the details, beyond that User::save did not seem to clear the cache: loading the same user again resulted in the old data. Maybe it was some sort of in-process caching, or consistent reads resulting in pre-update DB data - I can't recall if I looked at those possibilities.

Is there any repro case of delete() not working? Seems more likely to be the use of pcTTL and READ_NORMAL (which is expected not to work). If you want to reload a User and see changes from 1ms ago, you need READ_LATEST. For unit test, clearing the WAN cache process cache via clearProcessCache() can also be an option if needed.

READ_LATEST should not be reading the user from cache at all. Wouldn't that be a bug in the User class if it was?

aaron removed aaron as the assignee of this task.May 5 2017, 10:57 PM
aaron triaged this task as Low priority.May 26 2017, 5:07 PM

Change 420261 had a related patch set uploaded (by Krinkle; owner: Krinkle):
[mediawiki/extensions/BounceHandler@master] Restore broken unit test

Change 420261 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/BounceHandler@master] Restore previously broken unit test

mmodell changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Production Error".Aug 28 2019, 11:11 PM