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Facilitate Wikidev'17 main topic "How to grow our technical community"
Closed, ResolvedPublic

Description needs

  • Facilitators (@Qgil is taking this role as interim; it would be better to have volunteer developer driving this main topic)
  • Problem statement
  • Expectations
  • Links
  • Key contributors invited

... and of course, activities proposed.

Event Timeline is now in a decent state. Edits welcome.

I have sent to wikitech-l, wikimedia-l, and volunteer-supporters an announcement pointing to this page.

Qgil raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.Oct 18 2016, 10:40 PM

FYI I went through the tasks not assigned to a quarterly sprint at the Developer-Advocacy and Community-Relations-Support boards and I left a note in those that could be candidates for Summit sessions given enough interest:

Would this task be a good topic for the Wikimedia-Developer-Summit (2017) ? If so, the deadline to submit new proposals is next Monday, October 31: >

I have listed all the proposals submitted related to this main topic at, in order to have a simpler view of what we have got.

Participation is welcome in all these proposals. Now we have a maximum of 11 aiming to be pre-scheduled. As a first impression, this number seems very high. has now 5 candidates to be pre-scheduled. From those, one will be surely pre-scheduled, maybe two, and only in a very strange combination of events a third one would get in. I am asking questions and checking activity/interest in the proposals in order to decide.

The current status is:

  • 2 sessions pre-scheduled
  • 5 confirmed Unconference sessions
  • 3 candidates for Unconference sessions
  • 2 proposals moved out of the Summit, to be discussed later.

Qgil lowered the priority of this task from High to Medium.Dec 20 2016, 11:55 AM