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Create a test system for federation-related features
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We need a test to system to test all new features we've developed since last fall to all access to foreign repository entities.
Minimum test setup would be a wiki that is a "main" repo (think Wikidata) and a wiki that is another repo that also uses entities (to make things simpler for stat: properties only) from the "main" repo (think Commons). The former should also be a client, so both repo and client functionality could be tested.

The separate Labs projects has been created for test instances: wikidata-federation.

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Intiial test setup has been created.
Currently there are two wikis:

I still need and want to improve the way puppet is involved in creating the setup, and also improve configuration of test wikis (WikibaseMediaInfo extension should be installed, interwiki/sites setup etc).
Also I'd like to have a client (without a repo) set up there, so client-only functions can be tested as well.

Please do not consider this ticket as done. I've just started.

Lydia_Pintscher lowered the priority of this task from High to Medium.Mar 7 2017, 3:13 PM

I've changed the setup slightly, and the initial test system can be considered established in my opinion.

Labs project for testing federation features is wikidata-federation.
There is an instance in this project hosting test wikis, called federation-wikis (should probably have been "federated-wikis" to sound less odd but realized that too late).
On this instance three wikis have been created, and exposed to the world:

Currently configuration of those wikis is very basic, and there is no much content in there.

Wikis have been set up in a rather hacky manner to get the test system running. As I am rather mediocre with puppet and vagrant, I still haven't created nice puppet rules to install Wikibase with desired components, extensions etc. While I still think it is worth effort and I want to do it, I just didn't have enough time to do it now. I believe we would benefit by having a simple way to just say "I want 3 wikis, one repo with X, other repo with Y, and a client", as we could use when setting up a test system for "structred commons", as well as "structed lexicographic data", and even for developer's own environment. That said I think creating those puppet/vagrant stuff should not be blocking this task. Therefore I leave the rather manual setup of "federated-wikis" wikis as it is now, and will track the puppet work separately (not as a part of Wikidata sprint). To track this I've filed T159924.

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