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Create and publish a multi-tiered support level system for MediaWiki extensions frequently used by third parties
Closed, DeclinedPublic


What is the problem?

Administrators of third-party MediaWiki deployments often need guidance in the selection and use of extensions based upon the maintenance commitment for the extensions. It is often unclear without quite a bit of digging whether an extension is actively maintained and by whom. There have been occasions where third-parties have asked for help with a Wikimedia Foundation developed extension (bug fixes, feature requests, installation guidance), and it was unclear what level of support could be provided. It would be helpful to have an indication on extension pages, especially for extensions maintained by the Wikimedia Foundation, of what the commitment to support is for each extension.

How does success of this task look like? How do we know when we are done?

The task will be complete when the following items are done:

  • Define support levels
  • Document the support level of existing Wikimedia Foundation maintained MediaWiki extensions
  • Provide an interface for third-party MediaWiki extension maintainers to declare their level of support
  • Ensure that the documented levels of support for Wikimedia Foundation maintained MediaWiki extensions are delivered

Is there any goal, program, project, team related with this request?

FY2017-18 Q3 Technology Goals, Program 4, Outcome 3, Objective 2

What is your expected timeline from start to end? Is there a hard deadline?

Anticipated task completion is the end of FY2017-18 Q4.

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@CCicalese_WMF - would this be an infobox parameter? And if so, how it would be restricted to just WMF-developed extensions?

@Yaron_Koren The representation remains to be seen. That's one of the things that this task would determine.

Johan triaged this task as Medium priority.Jan 16 2018, 4:56 PM
Johan moved this task from Backlog to Do now on the User-Johan board.

What would be really good examples of extensions that receive:

  • Good support (bugs fixed, feature requests taken into consideration, at least occasionally installation guidance)
  • Some support (bugs are fixed, at the very least, but extensive third-party support is rare or does not happen)
  • No support for third parties, but is in use on Wikimedia wikis

Is the thinking of using single-value maintenance level or something more nuanced? There are lot of activities related to maintenance that are relevant for the users: version compatibility, test coverage, code maintenance (tech debt), accepting bug reports (or feature requests), triaging bug reports, prioritization of bug reports, product manager support (or vision), design support, code review commitments, releases, manual testing, answering to support requests, and maybe more. See for example MLEB and maintenance responsibilities in

Facebook has automated metrics such as "responds usually in the same day". It is probably difficult to create such for all of these aspects because we use a lot of different tools, but in the long run they could provide more useful information.

In practice actively developed, maintained (ie. developer looks at it if someone reports a bug, not really otherwise), abandoned are easy to differentiate. Not sure if there is much value in going beyond that.

(for potentially extending past third-party use of MediaWiki extensions to third-party use of Wikimedia tools)

Are there third party wikis that use tools on Toolforge etc.? I'd be very interested in knowing if that's the case.

Some stats tools are used by people from third-party wikis, e.g. WikiApary and Wikistats (the s23 one). I also wouldn't be surprised if various wikis linked to Wikidata-related tools (Reasonator etc).

Johan lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Low.Apr 4 2018, 2:31 PM
Aklapper raised the priority of this task from Lowest to Low.

@Johan does the lowered priority means the deadline in description is no longer accurate? Thanks.

Johan lowered the priority of this task from Low to Lowest.Jul 6 2018, 10:27 PM

@Elitre No one is going to work on this for the foreseeable future. I'll write down my notes, in case someone wants them in the future, and close this task.

@Elitre No one is going to work on this for the foreseeable future. I'll write down my notes, in case someone wants them in the future, and close this task.

Thanks for closing.

Since I never seem to find time to do this properly, at least the two main recommendations:

  • As others have stated, I don't think more than three tiers would make sense. Basically, we're looking at unsupported, "will fix bugs if poked", and in active development. Any more than that and we're just complicating things.
  • This status should always have a date attached to it – when was it last assessed?
  • Having a system for marking something as developed by WMF/chapter/volunteer etc is not always clear and a bit weird in the ecosystem. But having something that works as a tag for things where e.g. the WMF is responsible for the maintenance could help.
Johan removed Johan as the assignee of this task.Oct 5 2018, 12:39 PM
Johan removed a project: User-Johan.

This task has no subtasks, no assignee, and no "active" team tag associated. T88596 has been declined.
What is the status and plan for this task, and in which team's 'basket' should it be, if still applicable?
@CCicalese_WMF : Boldly assigning to you, as the linked doc lists you as an owner.

This did not get prioritized to work on in the designated time frame. If this were to move forward, it would likely be an initiative of a third party MediaWiki group such as the MediaWiki-Stakeholders-Group. At that time, they would define their own goal and actions to achieve it.