Steps to reproduce
- Visit
- Enable page previews
- Visit
- Hover over שלמה
Expected results
- Portrait images appear on the left for RTL languages
Actual results
- Portrait images appear on the right for RTL languages
Environments observed
Browser Version:
- Chromium v64.0.3282.167
OS Version:
- Ubuntu 17.10 64b
Device Model:
- Desktop
Device Language:
- English
Developer notes
The following rule should be all thats needed
a.mwe-popups-discreet { float: right; }
CSS Janus will flip floats by default, so this will cause images to float left on Hebrew.
This will not impact page previews where the image is on top.
Acceptance critera
- Portrait images appear on the left or TOP for RTL languages
- Portrait images appear on the right or TOP for LTR languages