As users hover paragraphs to add to the translations those are highlighted (T187525). When paragraphs in the translation are empty, the highlighted paragraph in the source article appears next to the "Add translation" placeholder in the translation. However, there is a style mismatch between these two elements:
- Their size is different. The yellow highlight uses box-shadow to expand their size 4px outside of the content area, which is good for the highlight not to start at the very edge of the text. However, that makes the highlight area to be bigger than the "Add translation" placeholder next to it.
- The corner style is different. Highlight uses 2px radius corner while the "Add translation" placeholder has no rounded corners.
Differences are illustrated bellow:
Proposed adjustments
- Expand the "Add translation" placeholder 4px to align in size with the highlight areas next to it.
- Remove the border radius from the paragraph highlight. Note that this should not affect the sentence highlighting, which would keep the 2px rounded corners.