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Tab border disappeared between Edit and Edit Source tab
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Noticing that there is no border between Edit and Edit source tab.

Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at 1.20.49 PM.png (267×1 px, 100 KB)

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matmarex subscribed.

This seems to be a Chromium rendering bug. We didn't do anything to these tabs that would cause this. I can't reproduce the issue in other browsers.

(I'm running Chromium 69. I don't know if this is the first buggy version.)

It seems to be related to the exact width of the tabs. I can't reproduce the problem in other languages, where tab labels are different.

A very similar issue seems to affect the old Preferences page ( – note lack of border between "Watchlist" and "Search" tabs:

image.png (431×1 px, 88 KB)

Here's a fairly minimal test case if anyone fancies reporting this bug upstream:

div { float: left; height: 20px; background: red url() bottom right no-repeat; }
<div style="width:20px"></div>
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And how different browsers render it:

image.png (160×293 px, 2 KB)
image.png (160×293 px, 1 KB)
image.png (160×292 px, 2 KB)

Been seeing this for about a month or so in Chrome canary. I didn't think it was worth reporting as I expect Chrome to have rendering tests for this before doing a stable release. But, apparently not – and now it reached stable.

Let's report this upstream. I'll also reach out to devrel once linked here.

@matmarex/@Krinkle: Another issue that I am observing with this latest Chrome is the rendering of Table sorting icon looks very blurry. Compare the following two screenshots:

Chrome 68:

Screen Shot 2018-09-24 at 2.57.47 PM.png (253×586 px, 50 KB)

Chrome 69:
Screen Shot 2018-09-24 at 3.04.42 PM.png (281×272 px, 13 KB)

Maybe this is also worth reporting?

Ha, I do think this is a bit blurry too, just not as strong as in your image examples. But there's no change in code between and for example
Also adding background-size: 21px 9px; doesn't change the aliasing on Beta. Anyways better moved to a different task than this one.

That's broken and definitely looks like a browser bug to me. I think the background image is rendering at the correct size, but its position is offset by a fraction of a pixel.

I filed Looks like there are several recent issues reported regarding rendering of backgrounds, but none looked like the exact thing we're running into.

matmarex renamed this task from [Regression pre-wmf.21] Tab border disappeared between Edit and Edit Source tab? to Tab border disappeared between Edit and Edit Source tab.Sep 28 2018, 6:38 PM
matmarex added a project: Upstream.

I run Google Chrome 69.0.3497.92 on Ubuntu 18.04. The fiddle linked by @matmarex renders wrong, although I can see the tab border. When reloading and experimenting with it, I was able to "hide" it for a few of moments, but it re-appeared.

Krinkle updated the task description. (Show Details)

The Chromium issue has supposedly been fixed and the fix will be included in Chromium 73 or 72:

Krinkle changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Dec 13 2018, 8:25 PM
Krinkle triaged this task as High priority.
Krinkle moved this task from Reported Upstream to Patch merged upstream on the Upstream board.
JTannerWMF moved this task from Incoming to QA on the VisualEditor (Current work) board.
JTannerWMF subscribed.

Hey @Ryasmeen can you see if this is still a problem @matmarex mentioned it should be fixed now.

This is definitely resolved. The Chromium issue is fixed and the fix was released. I'm using Chromium 73 right now and don't see the issue, and the testcase from T204766#4596218 also renders correctly:

image.png (170×306 px, 2 KB)

matmarex changed the task status from Stalled to Open.May 7 2019, 4:05 PM
ppelberg claimed this task.