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Create interface for downloading 'User' data
Closed, InvalidPublic1 Estimated Story Points


As a user, I want to download a copy of my "User data" ( T208636 ) that the Foundation keeps about me. This ticket tracks the development of a user-interface that will enable me to get this download.


  • Where to access: the downloadable report will be available in the "Basic Information" section of the "User profile" tab of Preferences. See the mockup below.
  • Elements There will be three elements to the download link: a label, in the left column; a download link; and a More Info link.
  • Functionality: The download process will be the standard one for whatever browser the user employs.

Screen Shot 2018-11-22 at 1.17.06 PM.png (914×1 px, 151 KB)

Event Timeline

kaldari renamed this task from Create interface for downloading 'Contribution' and 'User' data to Create interface for downloading 'User' data.Nov 19 2018, 8:00 PM
kaldari updated the task description. (Show Details)
kaldari updated the task description. (Show Details)
kaldari updated the task description. (Show Details)

I tweaked the description to focus on the account data download, since that's all we're doing right now.

Sounds good.

I tweaked the description to focus on the account data download, since that's all we're doing right now.

Sounds good. I will put this in for design now.

@Prtksxna, I'm moving this to the In Design column. You're up!

Does the user need to be taken to a special page to download the report? Do we know the design requirements for the Special page as well? Would it be ok to trigger the download directly from the "User profile" tab?

Can't we just add a link to download the data as JSON? I'm confused what we need a design for

@Prtksxna I believe that's what Joe meant -

the downloadable report will be available from the "User profile" tab of Preferences

It will not be a new special page.

@MusikAnimal The design is probably about where the button/link should be and how the subtext (For additional information contact should appear.

@Prtksxna, @Niharika - I'm fine with not having a special page so long as we have some kind of text accompanying the link or button that links off to a help page explaining the data and how to request additional data. So something like "For additional information, see [Help:Downloading account data]." The default message should link off to a help page on, although we'll probably want to override this (via WIkimediaMessages extension) to point to a more WMF-customized version on meta.

@Prtksxna - As far as design, I guess we need to figure out if this is a button or a link or what. It doesn't need to be very prominent as I expect it will rarely be used.

@Prtksxna I believe that's what Joe meant -

the downloadable report will be available from the "User profile" tab of Preferences

It will not be a new special page.

Got it. The description earlier said "When the user gets to the special page…", so I got confused. Sorry about that!

We could either put this in the basic information section, or create a new section for it at the bottom of the page:

Basic InformationOwn section at the bottom
Screen Shot 2018-11-22 at 1.17.06 PM.png (914×1 px, 151 KB)
Screen Shot 2018-11-22 at 1.21.51 PM.png (786×1 px, 106 KB)

@jmatazzoni - Both of those designs look fine to me. Any preference?

@jmatazzoni - Both of those designs look fine to me. Any preference?

Yes, the first one makes more sense, since it puts the link in the Basic Information section. I'll add it to the Description.

Regarding the help page discussed above, we decided that it doesn't need to have any special functionality after all. The (standard) Help page as we worked it out is defined in T210007. I'll also fix the part of the description that talks about a "special version of the page,"

@Prtksxna, the engineers have noted that the alignment of the help link here is not possible/standard. It will be aligned left under the Account Data left label, unless you have some better idea.

Also, there was a question: please confirm that a link is correct here instead of a button.

@Prtksxna, the engineers have noted that the alignment of the help link here is not possible/standard. It will be aligned left under the Account Data left label, unless you have some better idea.

Aligning it to the left is fine.

Also, there was a question: please confirm that a link is correct here instead of a button.

It is not an action that a user would do often, so it doesn't need the prominence of a button. So yes, its a link.

Some of the design standards around this might be changing, see T203727: Restructure and improve 'Basic information' section.

@Prtksxna, @aezell things this download process might take some time. Do we have a standard "working" animation we can add to the UX here? Would you mind adding showing a concept for that? I will add it to the Description.

MBinder_WMF changed the point value for this task from 1 to 5.Mar 6 2019, 1:01 AM
MBinder_WMF changed the point value for this task from 5 to 1.

@Prtksxna, @aezell things this download process might take some time. Do we have a standard "working" animation we can add to the UX here? Would you mind adding showing a concept for that? I will add it to the Description.

What we show here will depend on how long the download process might take (seconds? minutes?). As for the animation, we can either use the working animation that Volker has made ( or the OOUI progress bars.

jmatazzoni removed a project: Community-Tech.

Because we've switched T208636 to be an API instead of a download, I'm closing this UI task as "invalid."