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Need to change year to 1924 for public domain images in Wikimedia Commons Upload Wizard?
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I have seen several articles such as [ this one] about material published in 1923 entering the public domain as of January 1, 2019. I noticed, however, that the Upload Wizard at Wikimedia Commons still has "First published before 1923" under the heading "The copyright has definitely expired in the USA". Does the recent change not apply to images uploaded to Wikimedia Commons, or has the Upload Wizard just not been updated to reflect the change?

Acceptance criteria:

  • "Release rights" step's options under "The copyright has definitely expired in the USA" state 1924 instead of 1923

Event Timeline

Hmm yeah, that's the mwe-upwiz-license-pd-old-70-1923 string in . Thanks for reporting this!

Ramsey-WMF moved this task from Untriaged to Next up on the Multimedia board.

"Small" change up for grabs, @egardner and @Ha78na :) This might actually be an easy one! (because it's not related to SDC)

Change 500130 had a related patch set uploaded (by Eric Gardner; owner: Eric Gardner):
[mediawiki/extensions/UploadWizard@master] Update public domain entry date for US copyrighted works

I've changed the English label for that part of the Upload Wizard form from 1923 to 1924. Let me know if that text appears anywhere else.

Screen Shot 2019-03-29 at 2.28.52 PM.png (320×1 px, 74 KB)

Change 500130 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/UploadWizard@master] Update public domain entry date for US copyrighted works

Change 500664 had a related patch set uploaded (by Matthias Mullie; owner: Matthias Mullie):
[mediawiki/extensions/UploadWizard@master] Don't error on copyrighted works from 1923

Change 500664 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/UploadWizard@master] Don't error on copyrighted works from 1923

Cparle subscribed.

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