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Wikimedia Technical Conference 2019 Session: API Integration Testing
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  • Track: Testing
  • Topic: API Integration Testing


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Pre-reading for all Participants

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Notes document(s)

Wikimedia Technical Conference\
Atlanta, GA USA\
November 12 - 15, 2019\
Session Name / Topic\
End-to-End Integration Testing using APIs\
Session Leader: Daniel + Kosta; Facilitator: Greg; Scribe: Nick\\
Session Attendees\
Antoine, TheDJ, Elena, Sam, Maté, joaquin, brooke, daniel, kosta\
Notes: (pre-existing notes are copied from the slides)\

  • This is about writing end to end tests *using* APIs
  • Why do we do this? tested code can be changed without fear. We want to change alot of things around. When refactoring code, we want to make sure we don\'t break anything for the users, so we test the things the users do.
  • tested code can be changed without fear
  • Testing all the way down
    • At the base you have Unit, then integration, at the top end-to-end tests
    • Functions, stories, and scenarios
    • typically end to end means user stories, selenium
    • Testing via the API instead of via the UI directly
    • Abstract from the UI/DOM for stability
  • The Black Box
    • The less we know about the implementation, the more stable the test is, and the closer it is to the actual client's experience. Language agnostic. You just want the workflow to work. Testing over the API, you pay for that with performance, because everything goes over the network, no shortcuts.
  • Testing the UI is brittle
    • While we want to know that certain buttons exist and do the right thing, we want to also
    • a\) Test the APIs
    • b\) Test complex flows independently of the UI
    • The thing we actually want to test is that the application logic works.
    • This cuts out the user experience, but tests the application logic intent.
  • test all the things!
    • we initially wrote things for the action API (api.php), rest.php, RESTbase, and recently Kask, etc.
      • for MW of course we created some helpers, tests more idiomatic, dealing with things like secret key to run jobs and stuff like that.
    • test code written in php, JS, golang, etc 
    • test individual modules and parameters, but also full user stories, and complex scenarios.
  • Mocha & Chai
    • We\'re using Node's Mocha & Chai frameworks. Others are possible, but this runs on node.js so easy to install and run. Large community and large number of plugins.
    • Even for a PHP developer, it makes sense within a day or 2.
    • Async, flexible, straight forward, common
    • Does not care about implementation language
    • Slower than doing it in PHP, but
      • stays stable when backend gets re-implemented (relevant mainly for REST endpoints)
      • easier to run in parallel
      • avoids baggage of existing phpunit tests
      • Can do cross-wiki scenarios, standalone services
  •  Fixtures
    • To make it quicker and less painful, can use fixttures.
    • Tool accounts, 2 users (1 new user, 1 regular) 1 admin, 1 superadmin (bureaucrat)
    • Fixtures are useful: familiar, available, quick.
    • Fixtures are often brittle! Might leak data into another test. Your tests should NOT change preferences or permissions of the test users. If you want to do that, make a new user.
      • SW: is this in core and being run?
        • - not yet but soon. 
          • also for extensions if the extension exposes API modules
          • The extension would put tests into a directory, gets run by CI
  • Await, don't Delay
    • async / await
    • deferred updates 
    • jobs
    • replication
      • Could create the 3 tests that you need and run in parallel; uses promises (async/await). JS forces you to do that because http is async operation, so needs to be written in async aware way, hence everything starts \"await\", which is annoying but you get used to it.  
      • Needed to make 2 operations sequential, to observe efects of actions.
      • MW\'s own model is inherently async. The interaction model over API and UI, is eventually consistent. There\'s no guarantee that you\'ll see an edit \*immediately\* after someone makes it. (although the  chronology protector makes it so that a user sees their own edit.).  It can take several seconds for deferred updates and replication to complete, which makes things difficult. If they go via the job queue the delay can be even worse. 
      • Solutions: Test framework makes job queue run all pending jobs, which slows things down, but makes sure all updates are done. In practice also solves deferred updates/replication, though not guaranteed.
      • in order to do that you trigger all jobs via Special:RunJobs, using secret key of your installation. Was \'fun\' setting this up in CI, but for local setups, is basically copying a string between 2 config files.
  • \[code slide\]
    • This code example is listing backlinks, special:whatlinkshere.
    • We\'ve got a \"before\" block
    • bob is a fixture.
    • a line that calls the api
    • some shortcuts here, for plain actions, list queries, property queries
    • lots of lines starting with await.
  • Let's do this!
    • Groups of 3 or 4
    • Think of a feature or bug in MW core or extension 
    • Think of a workflow ("user story") to test it
    • Write down API calls and response assertions.
  • No, really, let's do this!
    • Clone mediawiki/tools/api-testing
    • Follow setup instructions
    • Write tests
    • Run tests
    • Git review

Groups work on tests\

  • TheDJ:
    • 1st eg
      • we looked at proofreadpage
      • need to run an API query, where property is prfoffread
      • do the setup of that page, 
      • quality check to see it\'s not set initially
      • need a user ith rights to make an edit to the page, to make a change that changes the quality of the page
      • QUESTION: We wondered whether to use the existing admin user, or create a new user and give them right (answer: use admin fixture if it has the right per default, otherwise create a user and grant right).
    • 2nd eg.
      • timed media handler
      • vidided into derivatves,
      • need configuration for those derivatives, incl names of keys
      • ned new user with right to reset transcodes
      • make API call to get trnascodes keys for that video
      • execeute API request  to get all transcodes, compare
    • 3rd eg
      • watchlist expiry
      • user to watch
      • small expiry time,
      • API Get to see if the page is on the watchlist
      • API check a few seconds later to see if it has disappeared properly
        • would be nice if we could force the clock!
      • QUESTION: either via API or cron job?
        • if you do an edit in the test runner it will do all jobs until there\'s nothing left.
          • which can take hours for video tests..
        • Joaquin: test frameowk will run on all jobs after a test edit is diferent from live behaviour, but necessary to make the effects observable.  Just don\'t use the convenience function.
        • kosta: A way to test this without jobs is have a different API do watchlist expiry purge, so not testing the job queue expiration
          • DK: force a clock into the header or something like that?
    • Joaquin:
      • protect page
        • protect pages 1, 2, 3, 4
        • timing causes MYSQL related problems (gap lock)
      • releted rev diff tests
      • list close-by items missing images. Add image, check that item is no longer listed. 
      • wikibase - do an edit to a WB property used in an infobox, make sure it\'s updated in WP.
        • needs WB change dispatcher run.
      • Pageimage - test images that don\'t conform to criteria, adding an image to the page and cheking the API returned the proper page image.
        • needs file upload support
        • is it possible to do file uploads just from API? Yes, but complicated. Needs convenience function.
        • maintenance scripts to upgrade the wiki
      • DK: Acceptance tests would be run against live site. Framework doesn\'t care, but some things cannot then be one. E.g. don\'t want to mess with real content. E.g.  also might not have access to the secret key, or to root users.
        • Will be interesting to see what envs we end up with, like beta cluster or
    • DK: Homework!
      • we\'ve come up with nice scenarios for testing
      • please check out the repo, mediawiki/tools/api-testing
      • write tests and submit to gerrit
        • SW: for tests in extension directopries, how will node find the right modules?
          • DK: Not sure what the best way is. Write mocha config. Can be automated, see Extension:GenerateMochaConfig.
        • KH: Should we tag you as the reviewer?
          • Yes, I\'ll change it so that it does that automatically

General instructions\
This sheet is for scribes and participants to capture the general
discussion of sessions. \

  1. Note-taker should go for a more 'pure transcription' mode of documentation 
    1. Don't try to distill a summary of the core details unless you\'re confident in your speed.
  2. All note-takers should try to work in pairs and pass the lead-role back-and-forth when each speaker changes.. Help to fill in the gaps the other note taker might miss.
    1. When you are the active note-taker in a pair, please write \"???\" when you missed something in the notes document.
    2. If a session only has one note taker present, feel free to tag a session participant to help take notes and fill in the gaps.
  3. In your notes, please try to highlight the important points (that are usually unspoken):
    1. INFO
    2. ACTION
  4. It's also good to remind session leaders, facilitators and participants to call out these important points, to aid in note taking.
  5. Sessions might have activities that will result in drawings, diagrams, clustered post it notes, etc
    1. Please tag a session participant to capture these items with a photo and add them to the Phabricator ticket.
  6. Some sessions might have breakout groups which means that there will be simultaneous discussions. 
    1. Session leaders should direct each group to appoint a scribe to take notes (in this document).
  7. At the end of each day, notes and action items will need to be added into the related Phabricator ticket (workboard: ) for each session
    1. This can be done by any and all conference attendees.
  8. Additional information about note taking and session facilitation:

Notes and Facilitation guidance

Session Leader(s)

Session Scribes

Session Facilitator

Session Style / Format

  • [what type of format will this session be?]

Session Leaders please:

  • Add more details to this task description.
  • Coordinate any pre-event discussions (here on Phab, IRC, email, hangout, etc).
  • Outline the plan for discussing this topic at the event.
  • Optionally, include what this session will not try to solve.
  • Update this task with summaries of any pre-event discussions.
  • Include ways for people not attending to be involved in discussions before the event and afterwards.

Post-event summary:

  • ...

Post-event action items:

  • ...

Event Timeline

debt updated the task description. (Show Details)

@kostajh I just volunteered to lead this. Want to be the co-lead?

zeljkofilipin subscribed.

@kostajh I just volunteered to lead this. Want to be the co-lead?

@daniel sure I'd be happy to help!

I've updated the task, making the two of you leaders.

@daniel sure I'd be happy to help!

I've updated the task, making the two of you leaders.

Thanks. I'll be on vacation October 16 to 28. I'll jump on it right after :)

What is the problem that led to this session proposal ?

Isn't API integration testing working reasonably well, with API unit testing being much more of a pain point?

debt triaged this task as Medium priority.Oct 22 2019, 6:56 PM

(Programming note)

This session was accepted and will be scheduled.

Notes to the session leader

  • Please continue to scope this session and post the session's goals and main questions into the task description.
    • If your topic is too big for one session, work with your Program Committee contact to break it down even further.
    • Session descriptions need to be completely finalized by November 1, 2019.
  • Please build your session collaboratively!
    • You should consider breakout groups with report-backs, using posters / post-its to visualize thoughts and themes, or any other collaborative meeting method you like.
    • If you need to have any large group discussions they must be planned out, specific, and focused.
    • A brief summary of your session format will need to go in the associated Phabricator task.
    • Some ideas from the old WMF Team Practices Group.
  • If you have any pre-session suggested reading or any specific ideas that you would like your attendees to think about in advance of your session, please state that explicitly in your session’s task.
    • Please put this at the top of your Phabricator task under the label “Pre-reading for all Participants.”

Notes to those interested in attending this session

(or those wanting to engage before the event because they are not attending)

  • If the session leader is asking for feedback, please engage!
  • Please do any pre-session reading that the leader would like you to do.

What is the problem that led to this session proposal ?

When working on refactoring MediaWiki to reduce coupling, we found that test coverage is currently insufficient to allow us to refactor with confidence. Instead of trying to write unit tests for strongly coupled code that we are planning to deprecate, we opted to go for the opposite: write a comprehensive suite of integration tests for the action API, which would ensure that the application logic remains intact while we move things around.

We opted for a full black box approach, so we can change all aspects of the implementation and storage layer without having to touch the tests. We now want to promote the new testing mechanism (mocha), and establish it besides the phpunit, qunit and selenium as a standard way to write tests for MediaWiki when introducing new functionality.

Isn't API integration testing working reasonably well, with API unit testing being much more of a pain point?

PHPUnit tests for the API tend to be messy; they require a lot of setup, leak information, and typically involve a lot of knowledge about internals. We opted for testing the API for from the outside to enforce a full black box approach, but also so we can use the same mechanism to test cross-wiki use cases, REST API endpoints that are backed by stand-alone services, etc.

Related is T227071: Identify and Develop crucial paths e2e tests in Wikibase which we have been thinking about for Wikibase for a while now.

@daniel I was not in this session at Tech conf.
Is the idea that all tests using this framework are going to be written in this mediawiki/tools/api-tests repo?

How is that workflow meant to work for extensions etc? Does that make sense? We are looking at the code now in relation to T227071 & T226975 but thinking that it might make sense for us to use the same libs and scaffold as you, but develop these within the Wikibase repo?

@daniel I was not in this session at Tech conf.
Is the idea that all tests using this framework are going to be written in this mediawiki/tools/api-tests repo?

No, that was only for the initial exploration.
Tests should live with the component they are testing. We'll be moving the existing tests into the core repo soon.

We plan to integrate this with CI in much the same way selenium is integrated: we'll publish an npm package that extensions (and core) can pull in and use to write tests. CI will notice and run the tests.

See T236680: Enable API integration tests in CI for MediaWiki core

Thanks for making this a good session at TechConf this year. Follow-up actions are recorded in a central planning spreadsheet (owned by me) and I'll begin farming them out to responsible parties in January 2020.