Umbrella task for transitioning Gruntfile.js tasks into npm scripts in different projects.
A detailed template for the process: T246326: Process template: How to transition Gruntfile.js tasks to NPM scripts
With the decline of Grunt for many years now, it is unclear how long will it feasible to use it. The question is not whether to transition but when. The answer is different for projects and it can be many years. This task tracks the overall process and serves with examples and a template (T246326).
MediaWiki core
- Core
- T206069 Extension:MobileFrontend
- T206462 Popups, Skin:MinervaNeue
- T295464 Extension:ContentTranslation
- T266977 MediaViewer (MMV) - patch 574636
- GrowthExperiments
- T242781 Skin:Vector
- Skin:Example
- Skin:Timeless
- Skin:MonoBook
- Skin:Modern
Other projects
- T279863 WikimediaUI Base
- Wikimedia Design Style Guide – GitHub issue
Previous related tasks
T179195: Replace use of .eslintignore with ignore in Gruntfile.js in all repos, for consistency
T204176: Decide how to configure ESLint rules and ignores
T204260: Consolidate svgmin config and svg / grunt-svgmin checker