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Welcome survey: remove question about mentor program
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Now that we have added the language question to the welcome survey via T232410, it would be good to lighten the survey by removing a question that we don't need. Let's remove the question about the mentor program (screenshot below). We should remove in such a way that we can add it back later if needed.

image.png (103×605 px, 12 KB)

Event Timeline

@RHo @nettrom_WMF -- do you have any objections to removing this question? I think this will improve the user experience by lightening the survey. We could also talk about removing the question about "have you edited Wikipedia", because we're not currently using that one either -- but would the survey then be too light? If not, we can remove it, too.

@RHo @nettrom_WMF -- do you have any objections to removing this question? I think this will improve the user experience by lightening the survey. We could also talk about removing the question about "have you edited Wikipedia", because we're not currently using that one either -- but would the survey then be too light? If not, we can remove it, too.

I think removing the mentor question could make sense for now, esp. as newcomers have the mentor module regardless of their response.

I want to keep the "have you edited question" though, as it may be useful in future for a few reasons, such as when we dig into IP editor vs new account users, or to help narrow contacts for user feedback or testing.

I don't have any objections to removing the question. As @RHo points out, we have the mentor module. Users in the control group have it too, if they turn the Homepage on. We've also analyzed the answers to this question a few times and gotten a good sense of how popular that choice is, so I'm not sure we can learn that much more.

For the "have you edited" question, I think it might be useful to keep it. As we expand to more wikis, the data on why users signed up and if they've edited before are both likely useful to identify key differences between wikis. I've not looked at that data in depth yet, but the early work I did examining our four target wikis already showed some interesting patterns. It's perhaps also an area where we'd be interested in changes over time. While this kind of data and analysis might not be a focus for our team right now, it might help inform other teams.

Change 619358 had a related patch set uploaded (by Catrope; owner: Catrope):
[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] WelcomeSurvey: Remove mentor question

The attached patch removes the mentor question from the config listing the questions to use, but doesn't remove it from the question bank. This makes it easier to bring it back in the future, but the (slight) trade-off is that translators will still be asked to translate the question (when translating the welcome survey for a new language)

Change 619358 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] WelcomeSurvey: Remove mentor question

Moving for Design review - just to indicate that it's done and verified.

Looks good - the Mentor question is just removed, that's all - no other changes. Checked in different browsers and on mobile. The screenshots below are just to illustrate (no issues):

Screen Shot 2020-08-13 at 12.40.59 PM.png (573×894 px, 117 KB)
Screen Shot 2020-08-13 at 12.30.01 PM.png (548×302 px, 55 KB)