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The "In other languages" portal appears unstyled when editing a page
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to Reproduce:

Actual Results:

  • When in the editor, observe a In other languages portal that has no items and a mismatched header. It appears to be missing the vector-menu vector-menu-portal portal classes that help style portals.

Expected Results:

  • Either a properly styled portal; or no portal at all (given that it is empty)

This happens with both skin versions, both on and on, but not on

Event Timeline

Everything looks quite right to me.

Screen Shot 2020-09-09 at 9.29.22 AM.png (510×906 px, 105 KB)

I don't get it; it still happens with safemode=1, but I can't reproduce it on my bot account.

After tracing with the JavaScript debugger, it seems to be triggered by the mediawiki.action.edit.preview module, line 296. That explains why I only encountered on my main account; I have the preference Show previews without reloading the page enabled there.

Jdlrobson subscribed.

I cannot reproduce it either but it seems like a bug that language links to appear on after an edit...

I don't get it; it still happens with safemode=1, but I can't reproduce it on my bot account.

After tracing with the JavaScript debugger, it seems to be triggered by the mediawiki.action.edit.preview module, line 296. That explains why I only encountered on my main account; I have the preference Show previews without reloading the page enabled there.

Note that actually I cannot reproduce it even with that preference checked. Not sure why.

Screen Shot 2020-09-09 at 9.42.21 AM.png (608×1 px, 151 KB) seems like a bug that language links to appear on after an edit...

It seems like you're talking about two things. So for linking to wikipedia, that's intentional:

if ( in_array( $wgDBname, [ 'commonswiki', 'mediawikiwiki', 'metawiki', 'specieswiki', 'wikimaniawiki' ] ) ) { 		 
   $wgWBClientSettings['languageLinkSiteGroup'] = 'wikipedia';

But for the links appearing on action=edit may I am not sure, though that'd be a bug for MediaWiki-extensions-WikibaseClient then? Also note this is not specific to

But for the links appearing on action=edit may I am not sure, though that'd be a bug for MediaWiki-extensions-WikibaseClient then? Also note this is not specific to

That was what the original bug report is about; I've clarified the reproduction steps to make this clearer.

But for the links appearing on action=edit may I am not sure, though that'd be a bug for MediaWiki-extensions-WikibaseClient then? Also note this is not specific to

That was what the original bug report is about; I've clarified the reproduction steps to make this clearer.

What about the title?

The "In other languages" portal appears unstyled when editing a page

(Note that in general, I get what you mean --see attached screenshot, I actually once noted it locally but it resolved itself on its own and I couldn't repro. For now too, I can't reproduce it either locally or on wmf wiki. That's my point. The image below is cut from old screenshot)

Screen Shot 2020-09-10 at 10.16.23 AM.png (349×153 px, 25 KB)

The issue is not in Vector but something trying to render a portal via JS which is currently not supported.

This is a regression because it used to work…

Change 626686 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ammarpad; owner: Ammarpad):
[mediawiki/core@master] Update Vector lang portlet class in js preview.

Change 626686 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/core@master] Update Vector lang portlet classes in js preview.