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Add support for the 'Cite Q' template to Citoid
Open, Needs TriagePublicFeature

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Aug 19 2021, 6:35 PM
Referenced Files
"Love" token, awarded by TiagoLubiana."Like" token, awarded by Dick_Bos."Stroopwafel" token, awarded by Phoebe."Love" token, awarded by TomT0m."Hungry Hippo" token, awarded by Sj."Like" token, awarded by VIGNERON."Like" token, awarded by Mike_Peel.


Feature summary

When a user enters a QID into Citoid, then Citoid should (or should offer to) generate a reference using the 'Cite Q' template, with the QID as its first parameter value.

When the user enters some other PID, such as a DOI, ISBN, or PubMedID, Citoid should check whether there is a corresponding QID, and if so then proceed as above.


Template::Cite Q [1] is a wrapper for Template:Citation, which it populates on-the-fly using data from Wikidata.

Initiated on the English-language Wikipedia, using Lua, it has been developed to be as portable as possible to other projects and to work with minimum setup and translation on those projects. At the time of writing it is used on over 30 Wikimedia projects [2].

Advantages of using 'Cite Q' include:

  • Rapid propagation of error-fixes such as spelling corrections or mistyped identifiers
  • Ability to propagate retraction notices
  • Reduction of clutter in page markup
  • Easier translation of articles or article-sections
  • Linking to articles about works, on the local Wikipedia
  • Linking to works that exist on Wikisource

A simple example looks like:

<ref name="Williams-2010">{{Cite Q|Q15625490}}</ref>

and users can add, override, limit or suppress parameter values as they see fit, for example:

<ref name="Williams-2010">{{Cite Q|Q15625490 |access-date=19 August 2021 }}</ref>
<ref name="Williams-2010">{{Cite Q|Q15625490 |quote=lorem ipsum }}</ref>
<ref name="Williams-2010">{{Cite Q|Q15625490 |page=42 }}</ref>
<ref name="Williams-2010">{{Cite Q|Q15625490 |display-authors=4 }}</ref>
<ref name="Williams-2010">{{Cite Q|Q15625490 |publisher=unset }}</ref>

(many further examples can be found in the template's documentation.


The template developers have long intended to request integration with Citoid. Having developed the template further through a WikiCite grant, they now feel that the time is right for such integration, and are willing to offer advice and support to Citoid developers.

There were several calls for Citoid integration from attendees of sessions on for including 'Cite Q', at Wikimania 2021.


[2] Listed at

Event Timeline

When the user enters some other PID, such as a DOI, ISBN, or PubMedID, Citoid should check whether there is a corresponding QID, and if so then proceed as above.

This could come later, if the more simple QID-entry is easier/ quicker to code.

FYI this ticket was discussed during the WikidataCon presentation about CiteQ in the 'Wikicite lightning talks' session

FYI this ticket was discussed during the WikidataCon presentation about CiteQ in the 'Wikicite lightning talks' session

Comments from the chatlog:

  • [15:01] Tiago Lubiana: Are there plans to integrate CiteQ into the WP visual editor in the "Cite" button? It would be awesome if it generated a CiteQ template, instead of rendering full citations every time. Also very good for translations, which sometimes break for classical refs.
  • [15:10] Siobhan | Ambrosia10: I would love it to be added to Citiod - would make my editing life easier.
  • [15:11] Tiago Lubiana: Oh, true! I'll use that, thanks