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Carry out the 2021 fawiki elections on votewiki
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The annual elections for fawiki's Supervisory Council (akin to the Arbitration Committee) is coming up. Similar to last three years (see T207560, T230614 and T262689), we will be holding our annual elections on votewiki. Like last two years, we are using a revised calendar of events to eliminate the possibility of an overlap between our election and that of enwiki Arb Com; this is important because votewiki's default language needs to be changed for our election, and the new timeline makes sure there is enough buffer days between the last day of our voting period and the first day of enwiki election configuration period to allow for the interface language change.

Here is a timeline of activities:
(update: The timeline was changed at Oct 12)

  • Oct 18 - Oct 24: Nominations
    • Identify two scrutineers (typically, from current stewards) (@Tks4Fish and @Stanglavine)
    • Create a blank election on votewiki (can be modeled after last year's election)
    • Make the scrutineers election admins on votewiki
    • Make local election execution committee election admins on votewiki (this time around, the exec committee includes only @MahdySaffar)
  • Oct 25 - Oct 28: Election setup
    • Import the list of eligible voters
    • Verify that candidates meet the related eligibility criteria
    • Import the list of candidates
    • Configure the election on votewiki
    • Verify the list of election admins (i.e. remove exec committee members from list of admins)
    • Change the language of votewiki to Persian (fa)
  • Oct 29 - Nov 11: Voting period
    • Submit an invitation to all eligible voters using MassMessage
  • Nov 12 - Nov 16: Tallying period
    • Change the language of votewiki back to English (en)
    • Election exec. committee checks if any vote was cast while the user was locally blocked
    • Scrutineers run necessary checks to strike votes submitted by socks or placed through proxy IP addresses
    • The Trust-and-Safety team or someone with shell access runs the tally via command line
    • Output is presented in two tables (one that shows the candidates ranked by their support, and the other that shows the head-to-head comparison matrix of votes)
    • Scrutineers confirm that the result posted on wiki matches the result from the tally

Event Timeline

Hello @jrbs. Can you please create the election at votewiki and make @Tks4Fish and @Stanglavine (and myself too) election admins? The nomination starts on Oct 11.

Hi there, I can do this, but I don't think this timeline will work. The Movement Charter Drafting Committee (MCDC) elections vote runs until October 25, and we will also need to tally these results after the fact, so I don't think the interface can be changed to Farsi until after that is completed. Otherwise I can start to get things set up for this election, but the voting definitely cannot start on October 22 as proposed here (sorry!).

I'm adding @Keegan and @Kaarel_Vaidla, both supporting the MCDC elections, for their information about the timeline of this one.

@jrbs So the timeline must be delayed at least for one week I think. Or more?

@jrbs Okay, I think we can postpone the election for one week, but not more because there will be conflicts with the 2021 English Wikipedia ArbCom elections. We can change the interface language on 27 October 18:00 UTC (I'll do that myself). The voting period will start 29 October. I don't think you need the VoteWiki interface to be in English to tally the results. Are you okay with this timetable?

@4nn1l2 will the tally method be set to Schulze or Meek?

@Huji, Schulze. We don't have any consensus to do it with Meek. And SecurePoll is still not ready for performing our elections where we need two reserves. Please see T288185. While I could easily rank all the candidates in the Foundation's latest elections, but this is not always the case, and we can't risk using Meek at the moment.

@jrbs So the timeline must be delayed at least for one week I think. Or more?

@jrbs Okay, I think we can postpone the election for one week, but not more because there will be conflicts with the 2021 English Wikipedia ArbCom elections. We can change the interface language on 27 October 18:00 UTC (I'll do that myself). The voting period will start 29 October. I don't think you need the VoteWiki interface to be in English to tally the results. Are you okay with this timetable?

The biggest issue will be making sure there's enough time to scrutinise and tally the MCDC votes. Ideally this would be done while votewiki is in English. I am not sure if two days is enough to tally a global election (this will be the first time we've done an MCDC election so I don't know how many votes to expect).

Let me run this by the organisers and get back to you as soon as we can.

Update: I spoke with the team and we agree that October 27 will be enough time. You can absolutely revise as you need but something like this would work for us:

  • Oct 11 - Oct 17: Nominations (can be the same or shifted, up to you of course)
  • Oct 25 - Oct 28: Election setup (with Oct 27 date for language change)
  • Oct 29 - Nov 11: Voting period
  • Nov 12 - Nov 16: Tallying period

I have updated the timeline and each step is delayed one week; thanks to @jrbs. So we have:

  • Oct 18 - Oct 24: Nominations
  • Oct 25 - Oct 28: Election setup (with Oct 27 date for language change)
  • Oct 29 - Nov 11: Voting period
  • Nov 12 - Nov 16: Tallying period
MahdySaffar updated the task description. (Show Details)
MahdySaffar updated the task description. (Show Details)
MahdySaffar set the point value for this task to 2.
MahdySaffar removed the point value for this task.

@jrbs Now please create the election, and I will import the list of eleigible voters.

@jrbs Now please create the election, and I will import the list of eleigible voters.

All done, thanks.

Change 734451 had a related patch set uploaded (by 4nn1l2; author: 4nn1l2):

[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Temporarily change the votewiki lang to fa

Change 734451 merged by jenkins-bot:

[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Temporarily change the votewiki lang to fa

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2021-10-27T18:10:43Z] <catrope@deploy1002> Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: Config: [[gerrit:734451|Temporarily change the votewiki lang to fa (T292685)]] (duration: 01m 04s)

@Tks4Fish and @Stanglavine: some users have expressed concerned about their votes being struck out. Note that I am not talking about votes that SecurePoll automatically strikes out if the user votes again; I am talking about situations like the vote by Darafsh or the second vote by 4nn1l2.

I am a CU on fawiki. I am assuming these votes were manually struck out, and assuming it was either because you deemed them as socks or as votes recorded while using a proxy/TOR. What is the best way to communicate with you about the details of it? Private task on Phab? Email you directly?

@Huji I've sent you an email (the cu-l one), where I copied Stanglavine, and we can discuss it better there.

Change 738222 had a related patch set uploaded (by 4nn1l2; author: 4nn1l2):

[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Change votewiki language back to English

@Tks4Fish and @Stanglavine voting period has ended and here are the remaining steps:

  • Nov 12 - Nov 16: Tallying period
    • Change the language of votewiki back to English (en)
    • Election exec. committee checks if any vote was cast while the user was locally blocked
    • Scrutineers run necessary checks to strike votes submitted by socks or placed through proxy IP addresses
    • The Trust-and-Safety team or someone with shell access team runs the tally via command line
    • Output is presented in two tables (one that shows the candidates ranked by their support, and the other that shows the head-to-head comparison matrix of votes)
    • Scrutineers confirm that the result posted on wiki matches the result from the tally

Additionally, there is the outstanding question about votes you struck due to proxy use which the users claim were incorrectly struck (i.e. they were not using a proxy). About that I have sent a new email to you.

Dusan_Krehel closed subtask Restricted Task as Resolved.Nov 12 2021, 8:30 PM
Urbanecm changed the status of subtask Restricted Task from Resolved to Invalid.Nov 12 2021, 9:25 PM

Here is a list of users who voted while blocked on fawiki and their votes must be struck:

  • برسام (already struck)
  • محمد هادی ۷۷ has been blocked since Oct 6, and voted on Nov 1.

Here is a list of votes that may have been cast while the user was still blocked on fawiki.

  • Baratiiman was blocked until Nov 10, 18:86 UTC. They cast a vote on Nov 10 (time is not shown publicly but scrutineers should have access to its time). If before 18:86 UTC, it should be struck.

Here is a list of votes by a user who was not blocked at the time they voted, but they were later blocked on fawiki as a sock, therefore their vote should be struck:

  • Fakhravar jam was blocked on Nov 12 as a sock.

Changing votewiki language back to English was scheduled for Monday, November 15, 19:00 UTC.

There were no backport windows earlier.

Here is a list of users who voted while blocked on fawiki and their votes must be struck:

@Huji I've checked the votes you sent, and struck them where appropriate. I also sent you an email, after you reply to it I think we should be done with scrutineering, but I'll talk to @Stanglavine to see if he has any more concerns.

That email was just responded to.

Here is a list of users who voted while blocked on fawiki and their votes must be struck:

@Huji I've checked the votes you sent, and struck them where appropriate. I also sent you an email, after you reply to it I think we should be done with scrutineering, but I'll talk to @Stanglavine to see if he has any more concerns.

Just to confirm that everything is OK from my side too.

Change 738222 merged by jenkins-bot:

[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Change votewiki language back to English

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2021-11-15T19:30:19Z] <urbanecm@deploy1002> Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: cdac608e84250207efeac9ea489a7e5be908ec70: Change votewiki language back to English (T292685) (duration: 00m 56s)

Just to confirm that everything is OK from my side too.

In that case, we can move ahead with tallying.

@jrbs I think the next item is for you to do.

Hi folks, sorry, I was on vacation and sick leave. Can you access the tally here?

Possibly you need to be an election admin to access that page.

I have emailed the results to Mahdy Saffar.