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Difficult to locate comment upon publishing using Reply Tool on mobile
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This task involves the work with revising what happens after people press the mobile Reply Tool's Reply button so that they can be sure the comment they drafted was published to the talk page as they were expecting.

Where "expecting" in this case means the comment was published in appropriate discussion and at the appropriate place (read: indentation level) within said discussion.


@ppelberg to fill in.

Event Timeline

I assume this is about the fact that on mobile we weren't scrolling down to the comment if section collapsing was enabled. This was fixed in a subsequent patchset, so comments should be highlighted and scrolled-to correctly now on mobile. This can be verified on beta labs.

Comments are highlighted and scrolled to correctly as seen in:

mobile_screen.jpg (2×1 px, 285 KB)

ppelberg claimed this task.