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Pressing space after inserting an @-mention causes keyboard to close
Closed, ResolvedPublic



The behavior described below was observed in the following environments:

  • Device: iPhone XS
  • Browser(s): Chrome 95.0.4638.50 and Safari
  • OS: iOS 15.0.2


New Discussion + Reply Tools

  1. Visit a talk page on a mobile device.
  2. Click a [ reply ] affordance to open the Reply Tool or the Add Discussion affordance to open the New Discussion Tool
  3. Notice the tool of your choosing opens
  4. Tap inside the tool of your choosing's text input area
  5. Ensure you are in the tool's Visual mode
  6. Type @ to open up the username suggestion list
  7. Type in a username of your choosing
  8. Tap within the username suggestion list to insert the username you typed in "Step 7."
  9. Tap the keyboard's space key

❗️5. The keyboard closes/disappears preventing you from continuing to type

✅ 5. The keyboard remains open/visible so that you can continue typing

Event Timeline

Change 736316 had a related patch set uploaded (by Esanders; author: Esanders):

[mediawiki/extensions/DiscussionTools@master] UsernameCompletion: Disable fragment auto-select

Change 736316 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/DiscussionTools@master] UsernameCompletion: Disable fragment auto-select

QA note: This can be tested on, but won't be available on production wikis until we enable the mobile interface there (T270536#7483693).

I tested this and captured the behavior.

This issue is specific to the behaviour of the on-screen keyboard on mobile devices, but I don't see that in the screen capture.

Here's a recording of how it works on an actual device. My observation here is that any interaction with the keyboard closes it. "space" and "delete" is captured in the recording.

Thanks @Esanders for updating the task description. Here is a recording of the expected behaviour.