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Verify people have to manually enable Automatic Topic Subscriptions
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In T290500, we introduced Automatic Topic Subscriptions as an opt-in beta feature at an initial set of wikis.

A requirement for offering Automatic Topic Subscriptions at as many wikis as we did was ensuring that all existing users would have to manually enable the feature (T294398).

This task involves the work with verifying T294398 was implemented as expected. To do so, we will check the Topic Notifications Superset Dashboard and see if there was an unexpectedly high number of topic subscriptions being initiated automatically.

Open question(s)

  • 1. In the days following the 18-Nov deployment of Automatic Topic Subscriptions, are we seeing an unexpectedly high number of topic subscriptions being initiated automatically?
    • No. We are not seeing an unexpectedly high number of topic subscriptions being initiated automatically. More in T296048#7541914.


  • Answers to all ===Open question(s) are documented

Event Timeline

Group1 and group2 wikis are back on wmf.7 again (follow T293950 for details), so automatic topic subscriptions shouldn’t even exist in production (except for group0 wikis, i.e.,,, and closed wikis). Next week is Thanksgiving, so it may happen that this change doesn’t hit production until early December.

Group1 and group2 wikis are back on wmf.7 again (follow T293950 for details), so automatic topic subscriptions shouldn’t even exist in production (except for group0 wikis, i.e.,,, and closed wikis). Next week is Thanksgiving, so it may happen that this change doesn’t hit production until early December.

This was helpful context to have – I appreciate you stopping by to post it, @Tacsipacsi.

Note: I plan to check the Topic Subscriptions Superset dashboard]( on Wednesday, 1-Dec, once T290516 has been deployed.

Open question(s)

  • 1. In the days following the 18-Nov 23-Nov deployment of Automatic Topic Subscriptions, are we seeing an unexpectedly high number of topic subscriptions being initiated automatically?

I think we can safely assume Automatic Topic Subscriptions have been deployed as expected: people need to manually enable the feature within Special:Preferences.

I say the above given how, in the week since Automatic Topic Subscriptions first became available, ~89% of all topic subscriptions were initiated manually:

ppelberg updated the task description. (Show Details)