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Make Usability Improvements Available via URL Parameter
Closed, ResolvedPublic


T243621 introduced a query string parameter that makes it possible for volunteers to try new Talk pages project features on live talk pages prior to said "features" being made available within the Discussion tools beta feature.

This task is about making it possible for people using the ?dtenable=1 URL parameter try Topic Containers (T269950) on any platform on any Wikimedia project.


  • As someone who is interested in knowing, and sharing feedback about, how the appearance of Talk Pages is evolving, I'd like to be able to try Topic Containers in a production environment early in the development process, so that I can experiment with them while doing my regular wiki work, and share feedback about the experience(s) I have had using them, knowing the feature is still evolving relatively quickly.
  • As a member of the Editing Team, I'd like to be able to try Topic Containers in production early in the development process, so that I can evaluate whether I think changes ought to be made to the user experience prior to the features being made more widely available.


  • People who append ?dtenable=1 to the URL of any page where the Reply Tool is already available, will see the Topic Container design we converged on in T299006.
  • Overtime, additional Usability Improvement features (e.g. Clearer Affordances (T255560 + T267444) and Page Frame (T269963)) will need to be included within the ?dtenable=1 URL

Event Timeline

This will happen automatically because setting dtenable automatically enables every DT sub-feature in the codebase.

This will happen automatically because setting dtenable automatically enables every DT sub-feature in the codebase.

Ah, I hadn't realized that. Noted.

ppelberg claimed this task.