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[SPIKE] Create scope for Card MVP
Closed, ResolvedPublicSpike



At 2022-06-07 DST task refinement, we decided to prioritize scoping an MVP for the Card Codex component since it is needed for us to deprecate WVUI (task?). The existing Card component task (T256036) is ~2 years old and contains a lot of back-and-forth, so it's worth considering whether to update T256036 or create a new task.

User stories

As a contributor interested in the Card Codex component, I want to understand what the scope looks like for an MVP version of this component, so that I can more effectively plan and communicate about our work.

  • We could potentially use this as an opportunity to test our new component epic template (T309417).
  • Could we identify one DST engineer and one DST designer to be directly responsible individuals (DRIs) for 1) ensuring this component is moving along, surfacing risks, etc, and 2) serve as points of contact for our partner teams?
Development considerations

See T310628

Acceptance criteria
  • MVP scope is defined for Card component in Codex (documented in T310628)
  • Epic task is created (or T256036 is updated)
Open questions

See the "Notes" section of the in-progress Figma spec

Event Timeline

Restricted Application changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Spike". · View Herald TranscriptJun 8 2022, 3:21 PM

Assigning to myself as I set up the component epic, but I'll work with @Sarai-WMDE to fully complete this task next sprint.

AnneT changed the task status from Open to In Progress.Jun 21 2022, 3:32 PM
AnneT updated the task description. (Show Details)

MVP scope has been documented in T310628. Further subtasks to meet the GrowthExperiments use cases have been created; see T278311 for subtasks. Web team has confirmed that existing design of NearbyPages cards can change according to design system requirements and they do not need to be consulted on this.

This is ready for product feedback and sign-off.

Scope looks good as per our review sessions we will add new tickets for additional feedback, demos, and next steps.