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Remove extra Watchlist links from Special:Preferences
Open, Needs TriagePublic


In Preferences there are currently three links presented to edit your watchlist:

Screenshot 2022-12-06 at 16.18.27.png (434×1 px, 61 KB)

These all take users to the same page, Special:EditWatchlist, which contains links to each of these functions. Rather than having three buttons which all lead to the same destination, let's just keep "View and remove titles on your watchlist", which links to Special:EditWatchlist, and remove the other two. This will help with T324586 so that we don't end up with three unstyled text links right next to each other.

User Story

As a Wikimedia user, I want one entry point to edit pages on my watchlist, so that I'm not confused about which link is the correct one for me to click.

Design specs

N/A - simply remove the 'Edit raw watchlist' and 'Clear your watchlist' links.

Technical information


Testing and QA steps

  • Log in to a Wikipedia account
  • Navigate to the sidebar and select Settings
  • Turn on Advanced mode
  • Click 'Open preferences' in Settings
  • Only the 'View and remove titles on your watchlist' link should be visible under 'Edit watchlist' in the Watchlist tab.

Acceptance Criteria

  • In the Watchlist tab of Special:Preferences, only one link is shown to Special:EditWatchlist

Event Timeline

Samwalton9-WMF created this task.
Samwalton9-WMF added a subscriber: eigyan.

These all take users to the same page, Special:EditWatchlist, which contains links to each of these functions. Rather than having three buttons which all lead to the same destination

They don't go to the same destination. For some users, the main link won't load for them because their watchlist is too large. I agree that the confusion for most users is probably too much to be worth the benefit for the very small number of users this affects, though!

@Samwalton9 if retaining these links I'm suggesting T316818 as a blocker, as there should be a mechanism to switch between the different pages

Also noting some UI issues with those pages on mobile that should be fixed:

Screen Shot 2022-12-06 at 9.52.12 AM.png (814×1 px, 126 KB)

Screen Shot 2022-12-06 at 9.52.30 AM.png (680×1 px, 54 KB)

Be careful not to revert T26632: Link from Special:preferences to Special:Watchlist (where the links was added with) or at least be aware of it, when removing the (or some of the) links.