As a toolforge user, I can run toolforge build start <git_repository_url> and be able to start a build.
When do we know it's done?
Feature: I can start a new build from a git url
Given I'm logged in as a tool (after ssh + become mytool) And my tool is written in python And my tool has a procfile like this one (
Scenario: Build starts successfully
When running the command toolforge build start <git_repository_url> Then a new build starts And the build ID is displayed
Scenario: Missing Git URL
When I run the command toolforge build start without specifying a git url Then I see an error message requesting one
Scenario: Service is down
When I run the command toolforge build start and the service is down Then I see an error message telling me the service is down And the message gives me actionable feedback
This epic contains the following tasks:
This is a tracking task, so it will be closed once the tasks mentioned below are completed.
Create Cli subcommand - Look at the list of subtasks, this is a bit hard to keep manually updated xd
- T323555: [tbs][cli] Implement the global --verbose flag as an env var
- T323681: [tbs.cli] Multiple bugs when running external commands
- T323700: [toolforge-cli][build] show fails if the pipelinerun has no 'status'
- T324824: tbs: user-story 2 - start cli should autogenerate the image name when not passed
- T324825: tbs: user-story 2 - start cli should give the right error when the git url is not passed
- T324826: tbs: user-story 2 - start cli should give the right error when the service is down
Create the pipeline
- All tasks completed.
Create the repository to host the image
Deploy on tools