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Vector 2022 full width toggle doesn't cause VE's surface to fire resize events
Closed, ResolvedPublic


VE's CE surface fires a 'position' event whenever it is resized, which it does by listening to window resize events.

The Vector 2022 toggle doesn't fire these events which means any code which relies on this event to update a rendering will not work as expected, for example find-and-replace highlights:

before toggleafter toggle
image.png (742×1 px, 155 KB)
image.png (768×1 px, 152 KB)

Event Timeline

Given that other products may be relying on window resize events, I would suggest that Vector just fire a simulated event. There isn't any useful data attached to these UIEvents, so a simulated event isn't going to break any listeners:

Calling $(window).trigger('resize') fixes the example in the description.

Change 884289 had a related patch set uploaded (by Esanders; author: Esanders):

[mediawiki/skins/Vector@master] Fire a simluated window resize event when toggling limited width

The same general issue as T300826, if we're tracking recurring patterns.

The code currently used ($( window ).trigger( 'resize' );) works with jQuery event listeners but not with native listeners,
i.e. it would execute a listener attached using $( window ).on( 'resize', … ), but not a listener attached using window.addEventListener( 'resize', … ).

A more compatible code can be found in sidebarPersistence.js:

var event;
if ( typeof Event === 'function' ) {
    event = new Event( 'resize' );
} else {
    // IE11
    event = window.document.createEvent( 'UIEvents' );
    event.initUIEvent( 'resize', true, false, window, 0 );
window.dispatchEvent( event );

Change 884289 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/skins/Vector@master] Fire a simluated window resize event when toggling limited width

Jdlrobson subscribed.

I'm assuming editing team will do QA for this one rather than us. Please let me know if that's not correct.

QA steps:

  • Visit a page in Vector 2022
  • Open the visual editor
  • Toggle limited content width using the tiny button in bottom-right corner
  • Check that the position and width of the visual editor toolbar reflects the new position and width of the page content
  • Also repeat the above: when starting from limited vs unlimited content width when opening the editor; when scrolled down on a long page and opening the editor from the sticky header
EAkinloose subscribed.

QA steps:

  • Visit a page in Vector 2022
  • Open the visual editor
  • Toggle limited content width using the tiny button in bottom-right corner
  • Check that the position and width of the visual editor toolbar reflects the new position and width of the page content
  • Also repeat the above: when starting from limited vs unlimited content width when opening the editor; when scrolled down on a long page and opening the editor from the sticky header

Content adjust to the width as expected. Tested with T324043.

EAkinloose claimed this task.